Ah ok i see. yeah i figured the M01's must be good cause i see mostly
those and EV warriors being used. which would be better to use, M01's
or EV warriors? and if the M01's are best should i go for the geared
or ungeared versions?

On Sep 5, 12:04 am, Cobra <afreem...@live.com> wrote:
> I think your best bet would be to forget about the kiddie car motors
> (Frank replaced his). Also, unless you build your Tiger super light I
> would also suggest the 24v 350w MO1 motors, also from alnvilus, over
> the 18v drill motors. They are cost effective and plenty powerful for
> these perposes as they have become the unofficial standard for the
> hobby. I belive Fred Thompson may still have a couple available if you
> wish.http://groups.google.com/group/rctankcombat/browse_thread/thread/544b...
> Good luck. Take lots of pictures.
> Aaron F

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