For anybody wanting to come in from out of town, I have a couple of 
guestrooms available.  I'm an hour south of the battlefield.

Steve Tyng

On Monday, August 27, 2012 10:18:23 AM UTC-4, Frank Pittelli wrote:
> In less than 4 weeks (Sept 22), a swarm of tankers will descend on a 
> farm in Hampstead, Maryland to feast on a bumper crop of paintballs. The 
> battlefield to be used could result in battles amongst the most 
> interesting ever held, with no less than three bridges across a creek 
> running right across the middle of the battlefield and plenty of open 
> and protected areas on both sides. 
> If you plan on being in the Maryland area during that time, let us know 
> and we'll pass along the directions.   We always have plenty of spare 
> gear, so spectators can soon become combatants and join in the fun. 
>         Frank "Just One More Bridge" Pittelli 

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