It was a glorious day for a battle.  The Mullin field is one of the best 
we've ever battled on.  Hills, streams, bogs and bridges, it doesn't get 
any better than that!  Turns out that the Cromwell is a BOG BEAST!  The 
second battle required that we collect "gold" containers from along the 
creek.  Many of the containers were placed in areas you'd normally wear hip 
waders to get to and we had to drive our tanks into that to get the gold.  
The Cromwell ate the muck and cattails for lunch.

The first battle was capture the flag and I was teamed up with John, Joe 
and Will.  Our first flag capture (we captured it three times), John had 
already retrieved the flag but was being chased up a hill behind the enemy 
camp.  I was out of ammo and had three hits already.  For the team, I 
decided what the hell and ran up the hill, tapping John's tank lightly to 
let him know I was there (more like a hard ram), and parking myself between 
John and Frank.  While absorbing all that Frank could throw at me, Paul 
threw a long range shot from the bottom of the hill and hit my turret side, 
I was out.  I figured John would be following me shortly to a reincarnate 
but it turned out he was able to get away and bring the flag home.  The 
second flag capture was a straight speed run by the Cromwell too and back.  
The plan was for the Cromwell to hold back, hidden, and to make for the 
flag when the other team went to engage our teams diversionary flank 
attacks.  Joe went left, sucking Frank in that direction, John and Will 
went right, taking Paul and Doug away from the objective, leaving poor 
Tracy alone with the Bofors to defend their flag.  At this point the 
Cromwell made the dash straight for the bridge and to the flag, dodging a 
hail of fire from Tracy and back the same way.  Somewhere along the run I 
managed to get my shoe pretty muddy, but I remembered I had that flag and 
just before handing it back, wiped the mud off with it.  The third capture 
was pretty much the same thing but I had to run up the hill behind the 
enemy camp to elude Doug's charging Tiger and then back to base.  This old 
tank driver isn't as spry as I used to be so I drove the Cromwell home to 
our base from the enemy base.

The second battle was one-sided as Joe and Will had broken down leaving a 
lone John to defend.  After having taken most of the gold and cows, I did a 
Benedict Arnold and traded sides to help out John.  By this time John had 
lost a drive wheel nut and time was just about out so that was the day.

I want to thank the Mullin family for hosting.  They did a great job and 
even provided valet service, hauling gear and equipment to and from the 
battle field with their ATV.  I noted a lot of people taking video so I'm 
looking forward to those YouTube links shortly.


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