"Hey, have any of you built your own computer before? Just an idea in my 
head, but if you have I am currently putting together a parts list to go 
from someday. And buying computer parts right is probably the hardest part."

I've been building PC's since the 80's.  My first PC was a Sinclair Z80 
system soldered together from a kit.  Nowadays, it's just plugging 
components together.  The question is what do you want the computer to do?  
A basic PC to web browse and run MS Office is fairly cheap to assemble.  If 
your talking gaming, you can dump thousands into video cards, top-end 
CPU's, water cooling, fancy cases etc.

Another option to building is to buy a decent used system and upgrade.  My 
current workhorse is an 08 vintage dual 3ghz Zeon IBM graphic workstation I 
picked up off eBay for $150.  When new this system was $6K.  I replaced the 
HD's, added 6G's of used RAM and moved my XP installation onto it.


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