While not reading all of the posts about expressions, it seems to me that at
least in the field of music, there could be some special circumstances.

For instance, The Nutracker is a ballet; it is intended to be a visual and
aural experience.  But in many cases, all we have on CDs is the music.  Do
we have a way of noting the expression, in a formal way (not just in a note)
that the manifestation/item is only of the music and not the dancing.

How about Peter and the wolf?  I use to hear this piece narrated.  Now I am
hearing of lot performances on CD that are not narrated.  Again, is there a
formal way (not just a note) to indicate whether a particular
manifestation/item is narrated or not.

Just pondering the ways of the universe of RDA (Roundabout Description

Gene Fieg
Claremont School of Theology

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