Karen, et al.:

This document is as fascinating as it is helpful.

The 027/088 fields have, IMHO, have rather fuzzy guidelines in the MARC
documentation. In the current practice for transportation libraries at
least, the 027/088 fields (often both in a single record) are always
connected to a quoted note in a 500 field, or several 500 fields. In RDA
2.15, will we record "identifiers for the manifestation" directly into a
MARC 027/088 field, or continue to include (quoted? nonquoted?) 500 note(s)
+ 027/088(s)? LC's "Choices in RDA" would have me think that there would
only be a MARC 027/088, with no accompanying note.

Take care,
Paul Burley

Paul R. Burley
Technical Services Librarian
Northwestern University Transportation Library
1970 Campus Drive
Evanston, Illinois 60208-2300

Phone, 847-491-5274
Fax, 847-491-8601
Transportation Library: http://www.library.northwestern.edu/transportation/

-----Original Message-----
From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Karen Coyle
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] RDA and MARC

Great analysis, Thomas -- I'm amazed at how many of the MARC fields  
map to two or more RDA fields, but as I haven't gotten past 088 in my  
own analysis, it's hard to understand the WHY of that.

What I am finding in the 0XX's is that very often an indicator  
actually turns the field in to more than one data element -- here is  
an example:

033, Date/Time and Place of an Event, becomes 3 different data  
elements based on the 2nd indicator:
   - 0 - a capture event (e.g. Date/Time and Place of Capture)
   - 1 - a broadcast event (e.g. Date/Time and Place of Broadcast)
   - 2 - a finding event (e.g. Date/Time and Place of Finding)

While the 033 is a single FIELD in MARC, it is actually multiple data  

The 260 $c in MARC is a "fuzzy" multiple, "Date of publication,  
distribution, etc. May contain multiple dates..."

I'd LOVE to have that MARC-to-RDA list in a simple spreadsheet form...  
if it's downloadable at all. (I don't have access to the toolkit.) It  
would really help me for the next phase of my analysis.

I've just uploaded my analysis of 010-088 to:


It's not pretty -- I haven't figured out how to give the data elements  
good names so you'll see things like:

    National Bibliographic Agency Control Number/Record control number 016a
    National Bibliographic Agency Control Number/Source 0162
    National Bibliographic Agency Control Number/Cancelled/invalid  
control number 016z
    National Bibliographic Agency Control Number/Source 0162

The headers in CAPS are a placeholder for a name for the data element.  
The actual names there are the MARC field and subfield names, run  
together. The code at the end is the MARC field + subfield or  
indicator (indicators are "01" or "02").

I have LOTS of questions, some of which I put on the wiki page:


And would like to hear any feedback, especially corrections since I  
don't really know how people fill in these fields.


Quoting "Brenndorfer, Thomas" <tbrenndor...@library.guelph.on.ca>:

> Quoting Karen Coyle:
>> If someone asked for list of MARC data elements, what would you give
>> them? Given the mess that is MARC today (fully understandable after 40
>> years of incremental changes) how easy is it to explain it?
> The RDA Tookit has excellent RDA <> MARC maps for bibliographic and  
> authority MARC fields. Appendix D.2 and E.2 in RDA have useful maps,  
> but they're not as detailed as the maps under the Tools tab.
> Just as an illustration, I did a quick run through looking for all  
> MARC subfields that can map to two or more RDA elements (listed  
> below). What would be useful beyond this are RDA elements that map  
> to, say, both a MARC variable field and a fixed field, or map to a  
> both subfield in an authorized access point and to one of the new  
> MARC fields for individual RDA elements.
> There's an interesting dynamic occurring with authorized access  
> points, where many elements that go into them are now accounted for  
> separately. The Preferred name element seems to be stuck in  
> 100$a/110$a as the only place where this element is found (even if  
> it still has to share the subfield with other elements, as is the  
> case for corporate body preferred names!). Something only found in  
> an authorized access point now, the Fuller Form of Name element (100  
> $q) is being suggested as being also housed in its own element in  
> 378 (http://www.loc.gov/marc/marbi/2011/2011-dp02.html).
> So an authorized access point continues to be the only home for a  
> few individual elements, such as the Preferred Name elements, but  
> the whole authorized access point functions as a single value for  
> other elements (such as Creator, Contributor, Related Corporate  
> Body, and so on).
> In some cases in the list below, punctuation can be used to  
> differentiate some elements, such as:
> 300 $a 232 pages (large print)
> which maps to the Extent of Text element and to the Font Size  
> element (although Font Size is now being suggested for a move to 340$n
> (http://www.loc.gov/marc/marbi/2011/2011-dp04.html).
> Bibliographic MARC subfields that can be mapped to two or more RDA
> 024 a
> 024 d
> 024 z
> 100 c
> 100 u
> 100 a
> 100 f
> 100 t
> 110 a
> 110 c
> 110 f
> 110 n
> 110 t
> 111 a
> 111 c
> 111 d
> 111 f
> 111 n
> 111 t
> 130 a
> 130 f
> 130 k
> 130 n
> 240 a
> 240 f
> 240 n
> 243 a
> 243 n
> 245 b
> 245 c
> 245 k
> 250 a
> 250 b
> 254 a
> 255 a
> 255 e
> 256 a
> 260 a
> 260 b
> 260 c [here's the fab four: Date of production, Date of Publication,  
> Copyright Date, Date of Distribution]
> 260 e
> 260 f
> 300 a
> 300 b
> 300 c
> 310 b
> 340 f
> 362 a
> 490 a
> 490 v
> 490 x
> 500 a
> 502 a
> 516 a
> 518 a
> 538 a
> 542 e
> 542 i
> 542 k
> 542 p
> 546 a
> 546 b
> 556 a
> 580 a
> 581 a
> 700 c
> 700 u
> 700 a
> 700 d
> 700 f
> 700 n
> 700 t
> 710 a
> 710 c
> 710 d
> 710 f
> 710 g
> 710 n
> 710 t
> 711 a
> 711 c
> 711 d
> 711 f
> 711 n
> 711 t
> 730 a
> 730 f
> 730 k
> 730 n
> 787 a
> 787 b
> 787 c
> 787 d
> 787 h
> 787 k
> 787 m
> 787 n
> 787 o
> 787 s
> 787 t
> 787 w
> 800 c
> 800 u
> 800 a
> 800 d
> 800 f
> 800 n
> 800 t
> 800 v
> 800 x
> 810 a
> 810 c
> 810 d
> 810 f
> 810 g
> 810 n
> 810 t
> 810 v
> 810 x
> 811 a
> 811 c
> 811 d
> 811 f
> 811 n
> 811 t
> 811 v
> 830 a
> 830 f
> 830 k
> 830 n
> 830 v
> 830 x
> Authority MARC subfields that can be mapped to two or more RDA  
> elements (the authorized access points subfields listed repeat the  
> ones in the bibliographic record fields as the same elements would  
> be involved):
> 010 a
> 010 z
> 016 a
> 016 z
> 024 a
> 035 a
> 046 k
> 046 l
> 046 s
> 046 t
> 100 c
> 100 a
> 100 d
> 100 t
> 110 a
> 110 c
> 110 d
> 110 f
> 110 g
> 110 n
> 110 t
> 111 a
> 111 c
> 111 d
> 111 f
> 111 n
> 111 t
> 130 a
> 130 f
> 130 k
> 130 n
> 370 e
> 370 f
> 371 a
> 371 b
> 371 c
> 371 d
> 371 e
> 371 m
> 371 z
> 372 a
> 377 a
> 381 a
> 400 c
> 400 a
> 400 d
> 400 f
> 400 n
> 400 p
> 400 t
> 410 a
> 410 c
> 410 d
> 410 f
> 410 g
> 410 n
> 410 t
> 411 a
> 411 c
> 411 d
> 411 f
> 411 n
> 411 p
> 411 t
> 430 a
> 430 f
> 430 k
> 430 n
> 500 c
> 500 a
> 500 d
> 500 f
> 500 n
> 500 t
> 510 a
> 510 c
> 510 d
> 510 f
> 510 g
> 511 i
> 510 k
> 510 n
> 510 t
> 511 a
> 511 c
> 511 d
> 511 f
> 511 k
> 511 n
> 511 t
> 530 a
> 530 f
> 530 n
> 663 a
> 665 a
> 667 a
> 670 b
> 675 a
> 678 a
> 680 a
> 682 a
> 682 i
> 688 a
> Thomas Brenndorfer
> Guelph Public Library

Karen Coyle
kco...@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

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