Steven Arakawa said:

>RDA records in MARC format are largely compatible with AACR2 records;
>it really isn't necessary to recatalog an RDA record to AACR2 at the
>local level.

No matter how desirable it may seem to do so, the level of work
envolved if/when most of your derives are RDA prohibits editing all
RDA records to AACR2.

Once you've changed your local Bible/Korean headings (not a very large
part of most databases), all you *must* cope with is the absense of
GMDs in nonbook materials.  Our plan is to export [338 : 336] (except
"[volume : text]") as 245$h, until clients tell us they are prepared
to either display those two terms at end of title proper, or at head
of other data.  After collaltion is too late.

If icons are used instead, they will probably be based in fixed

Changes should be automated, not done by hand.  An exception might be
replacing those long phrases used rather than "S.l.", "s.n.", and
estimated dates in 300, for ISBD inclusions which do not eat up so
much display space, particularly on a hand held electronic device.  
One hopes they will be few enough of those, it will not be too heavy a
copy cataloguing burden.  

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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