> -----Original Message-----
> Here is a more detailed list of AACR2/RDA differences.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> 110 RDA change:  Spell our "Dept."  (This was in AACR2 but not
> applied.) Remove |k uniform title for treaty entries.
Not clear what the second sentence means.  Uniform titles for treaties
entered under a jurisdiction have been in subfield $t of 110 in
authority records and of 710 in bib records, or in 240 of bib records,
for 30 years.

> 250 RDA change: transcribe rather than abbreviate, e.g., 250  |aSecond
> edition.  Only use abbreviations if in the item.  This result in the
> unacceptable to some double period after an abbreviation, e.g., "ed.."
The double punctuation has nothing to do with RDA.  It was introduced to
the ISBD to accommodate systems that supply punctuation between areas by
machine, a concept that is still foreign to most of the MARC 21 world.
The idea was that the system would not have to consider whether an area
already ended with a full stop, as from an abbreviation, before adding
". -- " before the next area of an ISBD description.  There is no reason
or logic for catalogers to manually supply double punctuation.

> Bracket adjacent element in the same field, e.g., 260 |a[S.l.
> :|b[s.n.],|c[2010?].
RDA does not use these abbreviations.

John Hostage                  Authorities and Database Integrity
Langdell Hall                 host...@law.harvard.edu
Harvard Law School Library    +(1)(617) 495-3974 (voice)
Cambridge, MA 02138           +(1)(617) 496-4409 (fax)

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