Sunday afternoon I was at a delightful concert of 18th century French
music.  During one legato movement, I admit my mind wondered (as it
sometimes does) to what the RDA media content term "tactile
three-dimensional form" might apply.  A baton?  The only answer which
has been suggested to me (offlist) is a dildo.  (The more provocative
messages I receive are offlist.)

There has never been one of those for SLC to catalogue, but if there
were, wouldn't "model" be a more intuitive term?  Single intelligible
words work better for me than difficult to comprehend, too long for
display, phrases.

For display purposes, SLC plans to reduce long phrases to one word,
e.g., "cartographic". and "form".  But "map", "globe", "model", and
"object" seem better choices to me.

The same applies to relationship terms, e.g., using "director" for the
various phrases containing that word.  It is obvious from other data
in the record what has been directed.

Among RDA terms, second only to those phrases in being objectionable,
is calling electronic media "computer".

The calm mood induced by the music did not last long!

Stewingly yours, Mac

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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