
My concern is about examples like the one I gave, although it may have been imperfect. Assume that the preface is one that is considered important enough to be noted in the catalog record, one that is written by someone famous. You want to include an entry for that preface under the name of Ms. Famous. It's a Work, so you need a Work entry. (Also, you can't indicate a creator without having a Work entity.) You want to indicate that the Work is a part of the Manifestation along with the main text. Adding a new Expression-Work unit is not a clear part/whole relationship (which is what Heidrun is pointing out). And again I'm interested in how this would be displayed to a user, how this set of relationships will be brought together in a display. Perhaps one could treat this secondary "Work" as a related manifestation? However, in FRBR structural terms, all Works are Works, there are no "lesser Works," so there would be no difference between this preface and an essay in a set of essays.

I don't see any problems here which couldn't be solved by sound underlying data structures on the one hand and a proper design of the display on the other.

Firstly, the system should be able to distinguish between an aggregate work and an "ordinary" work. The whole/part relationship (from my approach) would not be enough as ordinary works can have parts as well. So there should be some sort of flag for an aggregate work, perhaps a new attribute (aggregate / non-aggregate). By the way, if one were to transform AACR/MARC data into FRBR/RDA data by means of algorithms, I think there would be lots of indicators in the records (like 505 or 490/8XX) pointing out whether something is an aggregate or not. Augmentations are different in that respect (you'd have a hard time analyzing them mechanically, as probably the only information which could be used are things like "edited with an introduction and notes by ..."). Therefore, for something like the augmented edition of Nabokov's novel the flagging would be something which has to be done by the cataloger who has decided to treat it as an aggregate work in the first place.

The aggregate work, as it is a work, needs -among other things - a preferred title of its own (core element in RDA). This might be something like "Bend sinister (With additional materials)" (perhaps also: "Nabokov, Vladimir, 1869-1922. Bend sinister (English. With additional materials)", taking into account which expression of the novel has been used of the aggreagte work. I'll have to think on that some more).

There may be also a way to record the title of the introduction not simply as "Introduction", but perhaps in a more meaningful way as "Introduction [to Nabokov, Vladimir, 1869-1922. Bend sinister]" or some such like. This would not be imperative, thpugh, as it can be made clear in a different way as well: The environment of the work "Introduction" (i.e. the aggregate work and/or the other works) can be displayed to the user.

So, assuming the introduction in question is by a Ms Famous, and that's why we want to bring it out in the catalog in the first place (by the way, I'd rather like to think of catalogers as not using criteria like this), and somebody is looking for all the works of Ms Famous, they might get:

Famous Work #1
Famous Work #2
Introduction, in: Nabokov, Vladimir, 1869-1922. Bend sinister (With additional materials)
Famous Work #3

In the case of augmentations, it might be useful to flag the predominant work in the aggregate work somehow (Casey A. Mullin suggested that in one of her posts in this thread). Then we'd also have the possibility to present non-predominant works at the end of such a list, or perhaps present them to the user only via a separate link (e.g. saying: "There are also minor works of Ms Famous, such as: Introduction, in: Nabokov, Vladimir, 1869-1922. Bend sinister (With additional materials). Show minor works as well?"

Now if somebody looks for the work "Bend sinister" in an English version, the system would look for the English expression (in my diagram: E (W1)) and show all three manifestations linked to this. The system would also note that one of the manifestations is an aggregate one (there would not have to be an attribute "aggregate" on this level, I believe, as the aggregation is obvious from the fact that more than one expression is embodied). In this case, it would display further information about its environment. The display might look somewhat like this

English version of: Nabokov, Vladimir, 1869-1922. Bend sinister
- Published: New York : Vintage International, 1990
- Published: Alexandria, Va. : Time-Life Books, 1981, c1947. Together with: Ms Famous: Introduction. In: Nabokov, Vladimir, 1869-1922. Bend sinister (With additional materials)
- Published: New York : H. Holt, [1947]

Would that be an answer to your concerns or have I misunderstood the problem?


Prof. Heidrun Wiesenmüller M.A.
Hochschule der Medien
Fakultät Information und Kommunikation
Wolframstr. 32, 70191 Stuttgart
Tel. dienstl.: 0711/25706-188
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