

In the near future I will need to draft some guidelines for colleagues
who will be using RDA with ISBD and MARC21.  Most of them are
multi-skilled and do fairly small amounts of cataloguing, so the
training has to be quick and simple.  I will have to include guidelines
for creating RDA headings in bibliographic records for entities for
which there is no NACO record.  (We do not create new NACO records for
minor works or contributors.)


I haven't been able to find any rules about which additions to
Expression records should be in parentheses and which should follow a
full stop.  The examples (6.27.3) show most additions, including
publisher, after a full stop but some (translator, text version,
choreographer) in parentheses.  (I was actually quite surprised to find
that a new choreography was regarded as only an Expression-level
distinction.)  Appendix E does not specify punctuation for Other
Distinguishing Characteristics of the Expression.  I have glanced
through the PCC NACO training slides, but didn't find anything about


Please could someone tell me where I should look for a rule?


Many thanks,


Bernadette O'Reilly 
Catalogue Support Librarian 

01865 2-77134 

Bodleian Libraries, 
Osney One Building
Osney Mead
Oxford OX2 0EW.



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