Adam L. Schiff said:

>The question that I have is how best to distinguish between the
>source work and the derivative work.

Margaret Mann advocated the sort of qualification you propose.  It is
my understanding the RDA does not allow it, apart from something like
"(Conference)" after an initialism which is not clearly a conference.  
No more "[proceedings]".  

In this instance, I would include the subtitle, at least past the word
"summary ...", for the one, and "report .." for the other, in any
uniform title, citation or note.  Both need distinguishing.

If OCLC does not consider 245$b in matching, you might should also add
a bracketed 250 edition statement to both, e.g., [Full report], and
[Summary].  Limiting the distinction to 7XX would be missed by many.

There are other instances when limiting citation or uniform title to
title proper is too brief and/or not distinctive enough.  We need to
be more flexible about including other title information.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
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