I'm not understanding what the difficulty is.  Maybe it's how someone looks at 
a part of a resource?  If the resource is primarily a book, and has a CD or DVD 
in a pocket, is that disc "accompanying material" or is it just a part of the 
resource?  I myself wouldn't consider it an "accompanying manifestation", which 
has the implication of being a separate resource that is related.  No, it's a 
*part of* the entire resource (singular).  RDA 3.1.4 seems to take care of this 
very well.  Whether you put the descriptions into a single MARC 300 field or 
multiple 300 fields depends on how a system is able to handle the data.  
Ideally, if you want ISBD output, the way a system would process a recording 
containing mulitple 300 fields would be to just put them all into one Area 5 
statement, inserting a plus sign before each of the subsequent 300 fields.

Kevin M. Randall
Principal Serials Cataloger
Northwestern University Library
(847) 491-2939

Proudly wearing the sensible shoes since 1978!

From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] RDA instructions for accompanying material?

The LC/PCC Policy Statement for 3.1.4 is a combination of pragmatic guidance 
and instructions carried forward from AACR2; as Ian's initial analysis showed, 
this practice is not really justified by instructions in RDA.

In RDA, accompanying material is treated as a relationship to a Related 
Manifestation (27.1), specifically an accompanying manifestation (J.4.5).  As 
with all relationships, there are several ways of recording this one: an 
identifier (if you have a separate description you can link to), an authorized 
access point (if you can create an access point for the material), or a 
structured or unstructured description.  My interpretation is that the ISBD 
Accompanying Material element is a structured description of the accompanying 
manifestation.  Unfortunately, RDA contains no *instructions* for recording 
structured descriptions.  This applies not only to accompanying material, but 
also to other common features such as contents notes.  I proposed this issue as 
a project to CC:DA, and there is a Task Force working to draft appropriate 
instructions for recording both contents notes and accompanying materials 
statements (and perhaps other things); a preliminary report of this Task Force 
(which includes a strawman proposal for such instructions) is available at
Once such instructions have been added to RDA, then the MARC mappings will need 
to be revised and will be much more helpful.

In the meantime, I would advise catalogers -- particularly PCC catalogers -- to 
follow the LC/PCC policy statement for 3.1.4.

And, to respond to a later contribution to this thread, RDA allows any of the 
elements in Chapter 3 (the 33X and 34X fields) to be recorded to any component 
of the item, whether the primary component or accompanying material -- if the 
cataloger believes that this information is important.  I would strongly urge 
that subfield $3 be used to identify the component being described.

       John Attig
       ALA Representative to the JSC
       Penn State University
From: "Ian Fairclough" 
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 7:00:16 AM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] RDA instructions for accompanying material?
RDA-L readers,

A correspondent has sent the following privately:
"See RDA 3.1.4 and the associated LCPS for several options.  If you choose to 
describe the accompanying material, LCPS says you can either use a $e in the 
300 of the primary content, or use a second 300 altogether. You can also repeat 
the 336/337/338 fields for accompanying material, with an explanatory $3."

Hopefully RDA Toolkit will shortly include links to 3.1.4 from AACR2 1.5E and 
RDA Appendix D.2.1 field 300e.

Sincerely - Ian

Ian Fairclough - George Mason University - 

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