I would use author for both the teller and the person told to, since
they both make creator-level contributions to a work that is primarily
textual in content.

The examples in for two or more entities responsible for the
creation of the work performing different roles show that both should be
regarded as creators, and both roles, although different, satisfy the
criteria for 'author'.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if relators were added to all the examples in
chapters 19 & 20, so that we had authoritative guidance for a good range
of situations?  Currently there is no tie-up at all between these
chapters and Appendix I.  Why do we need 3 examples for "harmonizer for"
in 20, when there is no relator in Appendix I for harmonizer?

Best wishes,

Bernadette O'Reilly 
Catalogue Support Librarian 
01865 2-77134 
Bodleian Libraries, 
Osney One Building
Osney Mead
Oxford OX2 0EW.

-----Original Message-----
From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Nancy Braman
Sent: 02 May 2013 17:30
Subject: [RDA-L] Relator term for "as told to"

What is the proper term for the person named in "text as told to..."?
I've looked through the first draft and the MARC list and can't find
anything appropriate.

If it helps, the title page (in all caps in the book) reads as follows:

The house
Baba built
An artist's childhood in China
Text as told to Libby Kopolen
Ed Young

Since she's not the author or illustrator, it's not really clear (at
least to me) what her role is.  Should I just enter her at 700 without a

Thank you in advance,

Nancy Braman
Library Technician, Teachers' Resource Centre Cape Breton-Victoria
Regional School Board
"Lead life so that you would not be ashamed to sell the family parrot to
the town gossip."--Will Rogers

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