Dana Van Meter posted:

>I have a book which is issued in both a main series: Champs (Flammarion
>(Firm)), which is numbered, and in a subseries: Champs (Flammarion
>(Firm)).|p Essais, which is unnumbered.

It was my understanding that the numbering applied to the main series
only, so it should not be a part of a 490/500/830 for the subseries.

Thank you for the additional tyopgraphy information.  It confirms my
earlier advice to not use brackets for the 490 main series title.

It seems to me that for patron convenience, the main series with
number to collocate the issues is the most important 490/830.
Since  the main and subseries would file next to each other, I
question the value of a 490/830 for the subseries.  Adding it to the
first 490/830 as a $p would upset the collocation of the main series,
and imply that the number applied to the subseries.
Often, particularly for legal series, we move a subseries to a
separate 490/830.

I would consider using only the numbered series in 490/830 (without
brackets), and the unnumbered subseries in a quoted 500 note.  It
contains no subject word.  While it is possible to base an 830 on a
500, I would not.  If you really want to trace the subseries, a second
490/830 would be the way to go.

As I said earlier, you would need to check your OPAC to see what has
been done with other issues in the series.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (m...@slc.bc.ca)
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://www.slc.bc.ca/
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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