Can we use Praeses?

Muhammad A. Muawwad
Systems Librarian, Retired 
Cairo, Egypt
Mobile : 0020122-7549005

From: J. McRee Elrod <>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Relator term for committee chair

Kyle Felix asked:

>I want to know what relator term I should use for the chair of a committee.

In the one alphabetical list of relators in the MRIs created by
merging the various lists in RDA, "chairperson" is included.  Michael
Gorman and I must have found it in RDA?  We square bracketed those
terms we added ourselves, mainly single words as alternatives to
phrases, e.g., "owner" for phrases containing "owner".  (The list also
advocates using the single term "director" when it is clear from the
record what is being directed.)

If "chairperson" is not in RDA let me know, and I will bracket the
term in the MRIs.  But I am not giving up the term; it is essential.

  __      __  J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
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