I have a print title with a set of square brackets embedded in the first word 
on the piece itself. Here are the first few words of the title:

D[a]edalus, my father's horse, taken from the mill

I have looked in every place in the RDA Toolkit that I can think of, and every 
place listed under "square brackets" in the index, and cannot find 
instructions. I am aware that in RDA, you're supposed to describe what you see, 
so I assume the 245b should be exactly as I see it:

D[a]edalus, my father's horse, taken from the mill

and I can add a 246 with:

Daedalus, my father's horse, taken from the mill

Is this correct?

Billie Hackney
Senior Monograph Cataloger
Getty Research Institute
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100
Los Angeles, CA 90049-1688
(310) 440-7616

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