Hello again.

I'm wrangling with some of the 3xx fields for authority records, in order to 
produce some policy for using some of them in a coherent and fruitful way. I'm 
facing some problems, and neither the MARC field itself, nor RDA instructions, 
nor the use I've seen out there gives me a clear view.

The main bump in the road is field 372. Let's say I'm working on Joseph Stalin. 
I'd like record and retrieve him as a politician (374), as a member of 
Communist Party of the Soviet Union (373), but I'd like to relate him with 
communism. So, recording "Communism" in 372 seems perfect for that purpose. But 
I would also record Comunism in 372 for a scholar historian on communism.

Summing up, if I record 372 Punk-rock, Am I expressing that the guy is a 
musician (374), specialized in doing punk-rock music, or Am I indicating that 
he/she is a music critic (374), expert on punk-rock music?

Thanks in advance for opinions and experiencies.

Ricardo Santos Muñoz
Depto. de Proceso Técnico
Biblioteca Nacional de España
Tfno.: 915 807 735

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