Yes, Greg,

I believe that result 17 matches for this fragment does not make any sense

2009/12/1 Greg Landrum <>

> Dear Evgueni,
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 10:21 AM, Evgueni Kolossov <>
> wrote:
> >
> > I have enclosed 2 files - images for structure and fragment. When using
> > unsigned int SubstructMatch() I am getting value = 17!!! Looking like
> > function is not taking in account atom types and flag uniquify is not
> > working at all - or may be I am missing something? Can you please comment
> on
> > this behaviour?
> I guess I don't really see anything particularly unusual. Have you
> tried looking at the values you get for the matches? Is there a
> particular result you see that doesn't make sense?
> -greg

Dr. Evgueni Kolossov (PhD)
Tel.   +44(0)1628 627168
Mob. +44(0)7812070446
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