Hi Folks....
We have a scenario where we would like to control when our system sells
power back to the grid.  Basically, we only want to sell back while the sun
is shining. We would like to stop selling based on programmed clock
settings.  I know in HBX mode we can control when we buy from the grid,
wondering if anyone knows how to control if and when we sell to the grid,
separate from voltage set points.  In this situation we basically don't
want to sell hydro power back at night.
We can create our own relay controls to prevent if we need to, but hoping
someone has a Mate controller based programming solution.  I can't seem to
find it and at first glance Outback tech support didn't have an answer...It
was a new tech support guy I spoke with and he was going to do some
research and get back to me.
100 Thanks!

Sunny Regards,
Kirpal Khalsa
Oregon LRT#25
Oregon Solarworks LLC
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