On 7/20/12, David A. Wheeler <dwhee...@dwheeler.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Jul 2012 00:37:57 +0800, from Alan Manuel Gloria:
>> bundle bundle!
> Awesome.  Reviewed, accepted, pushed.
> More tests == more goodness, and I am *REALLY* glad to be rid of the ugly
> function clean().  I'm sure more code cleanups would help, but that's a big
> step forward.
> And speaking of code reorganization...
> Currently the Scheme implementation is three files (modern.scm  sugar.scm
> sweet.scm).  I think it might be better to merge it all into a single file
> (module), where you can then "enable" or "disable" curly-infix,
> modern-expressions, or sweet-expressions.  Then separate files can auto-load
> & enable them.  It'd be easier to work with - in particular, easier to shim
> in a portability layer - and it'd help it get ready for an eventual SRFI
> submission.
> What do you think?

I think I want to reorganize them module's interfaces.

And I think I want to put them in a readable-discuss subdirectory so
that module names are something like (readable-discuss sugar) or some
such.  That will help making them easier to fob around in various
Scheme's package systems I think; certainly Guile would appreciate it
that way.

So, let me consider first the module structure:

  ; contains the implementations.
  (readable-discuss impl)
    ; basic reader that support curly infix
    curly-infix-reader ; :: Reader
    ; creates a modern-expr reader based on the given input reader
    make-modern-expr-reader ; :: Reader -> Reader
    ; creates a sugar-expr reader based on the given input reader
    make-sugar-expr-reader ; :: Reader -> Reader
    ; replaces the current reader with the specified reader
    ; in the best known way for the particular Scheme impl
    ; you have
    replace-reader ; :: Reader -> void
... implementation elided...

  ; contains an implementation of modern-expr + curly-infix
  (readable-discuss modern-tier)
    modern-reader ; :: Reader
  readable-discuss impl
define modern-reader make-modern-expr-reader(curly-infix-reader)

  ; contains an implementation of sugar-expr + modern-expr + curly-infix
  (readable-discuss sweet-tier)
    sweet-reader ; :: Reader
  readable-discuss impl
  readable-discuss modern-tier
define sweet-reader make-sugar-expr-reader(modern-reader)

  ; automatically enables modern-expr on future loaded files
  (readable-discuss modern)
    modern-reader ; :: Reader -- re-export
  readable-discuss modern-tier
; might need eval-when on Guile 2.0 or something
replace-reader modern-reader

  (readable-discuss sweet)
    sweet-reader ; :: Reader -- re-export
  readable-discuss sweet-tier
replace-reader sweet-reader

;;--- and so on....


About the portability layer, I have planned the following set of API
between the portability layer and the rest of (readable-discuss impl):

; the portability implements its own port objects.  On R5RS we
; need to add 1 more lookahead character (current implementation
; requires 2 lookahead characters).  In addition, we need to keep
; track of our own source information using our Port on Racket
; and possibly other Scheme's.
my-peek-char :: Port -> Char
my-read-char :: Port -> Char
my-unread-char :: Char -> Port -> void
; Port keeps track of current source location, as wrapped
; by make-reader below.  In Racket we must keep track of
; source information ourselves, possibly on other Schemes.
get-sourceinfo :: Port -> SourceInfo
; SourceInfo may be attachable to some objects, depending
; on Scheme implementation.  Implement as weak-key-tables on
; Racket and Schemes that support both SourceInfo and weak-key
; tables.  That's how Guile does it internally, BTW, and is the reason
; why symbols can't have source information.
attach-sourceinfo :: SourceInfo -> Object -> Object
; construct an implementation-compatible reader from a basic function that
; accepts a port and returns a basic object.  On Guile, the identity function.
; On R5RS wraps the port with an additional 1-character lookahead buffer.
; On Racket, return a function that either (1) gets 1 argument and returns
; the object, or (2) gets 2 arguments and returns a syntax-object, as specced
; in the Racket specs.  The Racket version will need to attach the
; associated source info to each weak-keyed object in its table
; when building the syntax-object, for example.
make-reader :: (Port -> Object) -> Reader
; invoke a given implementation-compatible reader, using the port as
; implemented by the portability layer.  Probably needs to be really careful
; about the 2-character lookahead thing, hmm.
invoke-reader :: Reader -> Port -> Object


Actually, I'm not sure if the make-modern-expr-parser function exports
are actually *feasible*.  The current implementation of the constraint
on indentation as whitespace requires 2 character lookahead; it can be
eliminated only if we change the interface of modern-expr when called
from sugar-expr.


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