On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 11:00 PM, David A. Wheeler
<dwhee...@dwheeler.com> wrote:
> Alan Manuel Gloria:
>> > About the portability layer, I have planned the following set of API
>> > between the portability layer and the rest of (readable-discuss impl):
>> >
>> > ; the portability implements its own port objects.  On R5RS we
>> > ; need to add 1 more lookahead character (current implementation
>> > ; requires 2 lookahead characters).  In addition, we need to keep
>> > ; track of our own source information using our Port on Racket
>> > ; and possibly other Scheme's.
>> > my-peek-char :: Port -> Char
>> > my-read-char :: Port -> Char
>> > my-unread-char :: Char -> Port -> void
> Okay so far.
>> > ; Port keeps track of current source location, as wrapped
>> > ; by make-reader below.  In Racket we must keep track of
>> > ; source information ourselves, possibly on other Schemes.
>> > get-sourceinfo :: Port -> SourceInfo
>> > ; SourceInfo may be attachable to some objects, depending
>> > ; on Scheme implementation.  Implement as weak-key-tables on
>> > ; Racket and Schemes that support both SourceInfo and weak-key
>> > ; tables.  That's how Guile does it internally, BTW, and is the reason
>> > ; why symbols can't have source information.
>> > attach-sourceinfo :: SourceInfo -> Object -> Object
>> > ; construct an implementation-compatible reader from a basic function that
>> > ; accepts a port and returns a basic object.  On Guile, the identity 
>> > function.
>> > ; On R5RS wraps the port with an additional 1-character lookahead buffer.
>> > ; On Racket, return a function that either (1) gets 1 argument and returns
>> > ; the object, or (2) gets 2 arguments and returns a syntax-object, as 
>> > specced
>> > ; in the Racket specs.  The Racket version will need to attach the
>> > ; associated source info to each weak-keyed object in its table
>> > ; when building the syntax-object, for example.
>> > make-reader :: (Port -> Object) -> Reader
>> > ; invoke a given implementation-compatible reader, using the port as
>> > ; implemented by the portability layer.  Probably needs to be really 
>> > careful
>> > ; about the 2-character lookahead thing, hmm.
>> > invoke-reader :: Reader -> Port -> Object
> Hmm. I haven't delved into how implementation track the source information.  
> This *seems* reasonable enough.
> But I think a lot of this should be internal to the implementation and *not* 
> visible outside the module.  Otherwise the interface can become complex, and 
> I think that'd expose too much to the outside.

Yes, that is indeed the plan.  But of course, the part inside the
cond-expand needs to have some common interface across different
cond-expand branches.  So this API is completely internal to the
module, but must still be documented so that porting efforts have
something to focus on.

> I think it's really important that we have an implementation that does NOT 
> require knowing the innards of source location tracking.  That will make it 
> easier to port to other implementations, as well as to create a SRFI 
> proposal.  There may be a better way, but this approach seems to do that.

Yes, so the cond-expand gets a default branch that just makes dummy
functions for get-sourceinfo and attach-sourceinfo.  When not
specifically ported, the implementation will still work but not
provide source information.  When specifically ported, then it
*should* gain source information tracking, since that is expected to
be the core of the porting effort.

>> > Actually, I'm not sure if the make-modern-expr-parser function exports
>> > are actually *feasible*.  The current implementation of the constraint
>> > on indentation as whitespace requires 2 character lookahead; it can be
>> > eliminated only if we change the interface of modern-expr when called
>> > from sugar-expr.
> Again, if we have a richer internal function and make this all one module, we 
> can easily do that - just have a private interface for modern-expr.  But I 
> think all modern-expr needs is the ability to read the unread char; that's 
> straightforward enough.

Not if the indentation tracking finds a ".", then fails to see a tab
or space after it.  Then it's forced to have 2 characters overhead,
which the modern-expr reader must read back to find the symbol or
number that begins with "."


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