Am 17.11.2013 00:59, schrieb David A. Wheeler:
On 16 Nov 2013 22:16:27 +0100, Jörg F. Wittenberger 
<> wrote:
As to wish lists: at the moment I have no need use for `set-read-mode`.
Once I'm there I'll want this thread-safe. I'd turn toplevel variables it
modifies into parameter objects. If there are no objections.
I like thread-safe, but that would change the interface significantly, yes?

Depends on your notion of significance.  Attached a patch.
--- kernel.scm.orig	2013-11-17 14:29:29.000000000 +0100
+++ kernel.scm	2013-11-17 14:38:13.000000000 +0100
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@
   ; so let's start with #f (case-sensitive).
   ; This doesn't affect character names; as an extension,
   ; We always accept arbitrary case for them, e.g., #\newline or #\NEWLINE.
-  (define is-foldcase #f)
+  (define is-foldcase (make-parameter #f))
   ; special tag to denote comment return from hash-processing
@@ -579,10 +579,10 @@
   (define whitespace-chars whitespace-chars-ascii)
   ; If #t, handle some constructs so we can read and print as Common Lisp.
-  (define common-lisp #f)
+  (define common-lisp (make-parameter #f))
   ; If #t, return |...| symbols as-is, including the vertical bars.
-  (define literal-barred-symbol #f)
+  (define literal-barred-symbol (make-parameter #f))
   ; Returns a true value (not necessarily #t)
   (define (char-line-ending? char) (memv char line-ending-chars))
@@ -705,13 +705,13 @@
     ; TODO: Should be per-port
       ((eq? mode 'common-lisp)
-        (set! common-lisp #t) #t)
+        (common-lisp #t) #t)
       ((eq? mode 'literal-barred-symbol)
-        (set! literal-barred-symbol #t) #t)
+        (literal-barred-symbol #t) #t)
       ((eq? mode 'fold-case)
-        (set! is-foldcase #t) #t)
+        (is-foldcase #t) #t)
       ((eq? mode 'no-fold-case)
-        (set! is-foldcase #f) #t)
+        (is-foldcase #f) #t)
       (else (display "Warning: Unknown mode") #f)))
 ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@
   ; is-foldcase configuration value when processing symbols.
   ; TODO: Should be port-specific
   (define (fold-case-maybe port s)
-    (if is-foldcase
+    (if (is-foldcase)
         (my-string-foldcase s)
@@ -886,9 +886,9 @@
       ((string-ci=? dir "curly-infix")
         (replace-read curly-infix-read))
       ((string-ci=? dir "fold-case")
-        (set! is-foldcase #t))
+        (is-foldcase #t))
       ((string-ci=? dir "no-fold-case")
-        (set! is-foldcase #f))
+        (is-foldcase #f))
       (else (display "Warning: Unknown process directive"))))
   ; Consume characters until "!#"
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@
         (else ; Try out different readers until we find a match.
           (my-read-char port)
-            (and common-lisp
+            (and (common-lisp)
                  (parse-cl no-indent-read c port))
             (parse-hash no-indent-read c port)
             (parse-default no-indent-read c port)
@@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@
   ; Translate "x" to Common Lisp representation if we're printing CL.
   ; Basically we use a very unusual representation, and then translate it back
   (define (translate-cl x)
-    (if common-lisp
+    (if (common-lisp)
       (case x
         ((quasiquote)       '+++CL-QUASIQUOTE-abbreviation+++)
         ((unquote)          '+++CL-UNQUOTE-abbreviation+++)
@@ -1228,7 +1228,7 @@
   (define (get-barred-symbol port)
     (my-read-char port) ; Consume the initial vertical bar.
     (string->symbol (list->string
-      (if literal-barred-symbol
+      (if (literal-barred-symbol)
         (cons #\| (read-literal-symbol port))
         (read-symbol-elements port)))))
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