Am 17.11.2013 21:13, schrieb John Cowan:
> David A. Wheeler scripsit:
>> Hmm.  R7RS has make-parameter, as does SRFI-39.  But guile 1.6 has
>> neither, and I don't know how widely-available these really are.
> The implementation given in R7RS is pretty portable, but should *not*
> be used on Schemes with their own implementations, because it may not be
> thread safe.  Note that R7RS parameters, unlike SRFI 39 ones, are not
> mutable (as opposed to rebindable):

I'm not sure that I understand this. (My weak English.)

Let's try by example:

(define x (make-parameter #f))

Does this:

(x #t)

count as mutation in this respect or is it the way you do a rebind?


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