
On 29/06/10 22:27, Jonne Nauha wrote:
> Yes this might be the cause, it many times is if you are not familiar
> with mysql setup and the defaults are too low. Clear the asset db and
> change the config to higher mb if it was too low. The problem with
> noticing this particular error is that the servers give little to none
> info if the DB fails to store the blob data and happily goes on as
> nothing happened :) This should  be put to some FAQ page in our wiki
> under "Upload seems fine but meshes are not showing" :) The thing with
> this is that if you have a big enough texture it will fail too, not
> just meshes but youll see it more there as meshes can get quite big.

Ok, I'll investigate this.

The fact is I for maps with exactly the same meshes, like the "monkey
heads" test map i'm using
the first times I uploaded I could only see one of the monkey heads, and
now they don't show at all when I connect. This kind of
non-deterministic behaviour made me think its something weird like udp
connections or mono problems, but yeah, I'll check the db.



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