Thanks Jonne, and again good work everyone.

2010/9/18 Jonne Nauha <>:
> So here we go, Naali 0.3.1 is out. If you installed the 0.3.1 RC1 please be
> sure to uninstall it before installing the final release. Check below for
> the changelog. For linux .deb releases, those will come possibly next week.
> I am currently abroad so it makes this a little bit harder, also for this
> reason this release was a day late, sorry for that. Tried to push this so
> someone else but there was no takers :)
> Windows installer:
> Changelog
> Features
> Renderer service now has screenshot services. RenderImage() and
> RenderAvatar(), will take screenshot of the current rendering window and
> return you a QPixmap that you can manipulate and/or save.
> Alt-Camera controls: Rotate camera up/down with mouse, zoom in/out a
> selected object with mouse scroll and zoom in with double click.
> World Building
> Environment light controls
> Toolbar for widgets like env editor and light controls
> Mesh, sound and textures can now be set in build mode
> Object viewport automatically updates with 20fps so you'll always have the
> latest real time view
> Manipulators change mouse cursor on hover/pressed
> Animation control: blog post
> Inventory and entity component editor integrated to world building UI
> Position and scale got spinbox widgets so you can set values by hand
> Building side panels can be hidden to sides. To toggle hit the arrow at the
> bottom.
> For mesh/sound/animation setting you can browse to your hard drive, select a
> file, it will be uploaded to inventory and set as the mesh/sound/animation
> for that object automatically. Done by clicking blue folder icon next to the
> line edit, works for both webdav and OS inventory.
> Object Edit removed from root menu. Functionality still accessed through
> world building tools (as it has been for a while already).
> Entity Actions developer memo
> Entity-components
> EC_SoundListener: allows (in theory) multiple switchable/toggleable sound
> listeners when using e.g. multiple avatars and cameras
> EC_Movable : allows moving entities with placeable component in the scene
> with Entity Actions
> EC_InputMapper : allows mapping of key and mouse events to Entity Actions
> EC_Script : allows attaching Python, Javascript and possible other scripts
> to entities. Currently supports only local script files.
> Voice user interface improvements
> Push-to-Talk mode: User can enable audio transmission by keep pressing
> middle mouse button
> Toggle mode: User can toggle the audio transmission on/off state by pressing
> middle mouse button
> Average bandwidth is shown.
> User can mute all voice participants
> Voice settings tab
> User can define audio layback buffer size
> User can define audio encoding quality
> User can set microphone level
> User can test audio microphone level using local test mode
> Internals
> Moved to Ogre 1.7.1 on windows builds and dependencies we provide for win32.
> Naali will also build against Ogre 1.6.x.
> Removed YAPE library from Naali as it's functionality is replaced now fully
> with QtPropertyBrowser
> OIS removed from Naali dependencies repository as it's been long gone from
> Naali itself.
> EC_SoundRuler and EC_Ruler don't cast shadows anymore.
> New and cleaned up manipulators: blog post
> Reimplement rotation code for manipulator and simplify manipulator code
> overall
> World Building object viewport now remembers its orientation and relative
> position
> Ether card screenshots are not taken via renderer service with a proper
> camera ec so you wont see desktop artifacts in the photos anymore.
> Removed more internal dependency on RexLogicModule from PythonScriptModule
> Bug Fixes
> Animation Sync wouldn't sync with server on first usage.
> CAVE now works also with OpenGL
> Added libopenjpeg2 as dependency to linux .deb files. Not having this caused
> many users not able to launch Naali after the .deb installation.
> Manipulators react better to mouse travel. "Stickiness" improved.
> Best regards,
> Jonne Nauha
> realXtend developer
> --


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