On la, 2010-11-20 at 13:26 -0800, MasterJ wrote:
> i already have a problem in build mode i don't know how i turn that
> off but actually i can't click on ruler for use it i need to click
> directly on the numbers (x,Y,Z) for mod them.

It's a bug in the release, thanks for reporting! We'll publish a bugfix
release (again..) tomorrow. There was also another bug that Matteo
noted: the alt-leftclick cam didn't work, that's also fixed now.

The 3d editing one happened due to a refactoring which was finished
recently (a few days) before the release -- the
arrows/manipulator/3dgizmo is now made generic in the code so that it is
not limited to only moving/rotating/scaling normal scene objects, but
can be given attributes from any e.g. own custom entity-components for
manipulating. For example if you make a mounted weapon that shoots to
some direction with custom code, can use that builtin 3d widget to
rotate the shooting direction. Nathan did that work and tested it, but
it requires a new EC which accidentally wasn't included by other people
who made the release build and no one noticed. Oops.

I think in the future we could have an extended release candidate period
-- now it's been just a day or two without much announcing, so has been
just a couple of devs testing a little I think, so these have gone
unnoticed. Perhaps from now on we announce them here and give a week for
anyone to test?

The next release is now planned to be 0.4.0 with a couple of major
changes: there's a new entity-component data synchronization mechanism
in Naali develop now (since today) for usage with Taiga 0.2, and the
Enne folks have started to integrate their external ui widgets + menu +
docking module. Let's see how these work and progress and make test
builds available as soon as it makes sense.

Otherwise most of the development is happening now in the Tundra branch,
and if things work out well that becomes Naali 0.5 later .. which will
ship with server module and support for the new protocol used with that,
but which continues to work against vanilla OpenSim and Taiga too. If
someone here doesn't know what this Tundra experiment is about, Antti
blogged about it now in

If someone wants to help us test the Taiga (i.e. opensim+modrex)
compatibility of the Naali client in the 0.5 candidate branch (aka.
Tundra branch), I uploaded a suitable zip of a windows build to the
google code downloads on Friday,
. That build is not suitable for using the Tundra server -- it does ship
with it, but as the normal Naali GUI doesn't have means to login to it
yet, you can't do any Tundra stuff with that :p Also this build does not
have anything new compared to 0.3.4, actually is a bit older (a week
before 0.3.4 perhaps), so is only for testing Taiga compatibility and
not useful for any usage. There is one known issue: flying is either
disabled or doesn't work, I don't know yet why. Antti Ilomäki here has
been testing it otherwise and has found that otherwise things like
webviews etc. have been working.

We regularily pull all the new code from the main develop to the tundra
branch, so everything coming to 0.4 will be in due time in the branch
for the possible 0.5 too.

If the client in the Tundra branch with the support for the alternative
protocol etc. doesn't somehow work well with Taiga in the end, we have
to start maintaining two clients .. one for OpenSim/Taiga servers and
another version for Tundra servers. If this would happen, we need to
bring all the server-independent improvements from the Tundra branch to
mainline Naali .. especially the Javascript support has been worked on
there a lot. Oh and it has a physics module using Bullet which we'll
hopefully get to use for client side physics too (now is used only in
server mode). But so far seems good, hopefully we can merge in due time
(in December).

For actual Tundra usage, there are already nice example scenes and
application demos in the repo that some adventurous folks on irc have
already tested, but as there are little usage info docs etc. yet I don't
recommend anyone to try it yet. We'll see during this week when and how
could make a first release with which it's easy to try out fun things --
I think we can do it soon, 'cause the tech is now there. And there's a
bigger demo coming out later but that's another story.

> MasterJ


> On 20 nov, 22:18, Antti Ilomäki <antti.ilom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Another three weeks and another Naali release. This time the theme is
> > about great power and great responsibility with some flash thrown in
> > in the form of basic flash support for the webview. From now on server
> > admins have access to a feature that enables them to save entire
> > scenes or parts of them, and programmers can include Python modules
> > downloaded from the web into their applications. Full changelog
> > available 
> > here:http://wiki.realxtend.org/index.php/Getting_Started_with_Naali#Versio...
> >
> > Download the 0.3.4 viewer 
> > here:http://wiki.realxtend.org/index.php/Getting_Started_with_Naali#Versio...


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