On Jan 4, 2011, at 1:06 PM, Edgar Santos wrote:

> When I try to import the mesh to naali, the mesh is loaded without any
> material. Then, when I attach the material file, nothing happens. With
> some other meshes, it only reads the first material. Even if i

Yes, the 'world building way' is limited so that from every material file, only 
a single material is used.

> separate the materials in several files, there is no way to tell which
> material slots correspond to the right material files. Also, I

Build mode should show an input box for every slot, so you can assign them 
correctly there.

> couldn't see any textures... is uploading them enough?

Unfortunately not -- the Linden / OpenSim asset system works with UUIDs, so in 
order for the materials to point to the textures, they must use the UUIDs to 
refer to them. The UUIDs are created on the server when you upload the textures.

> Finally, I tried to do this another way. I wrote an ogre scene file
> that contained only my mesh object as a node. When I imported it, it
> loaded the mesh and the materials, but the server still complainted

Yes, this is the sane way, because it does everything for you and there is no 
hunting of UUIDs and reassigning materials etc. We should support it for single 
meshes without needing a dotscene file, and I think there's some work done for 
that in the development versions, but in current releases (including 0.4) what 
you did with that scene file is exactly the trick.

Did you publish the scene on the server?

The scene import tool in Naali works so that it first loads the dotscene to 
Ogre in the viewer directly, without using the asset system. This way the ogre 
way of referring to the materials and textures just with filenames works. But 
this step is only a local preview of the scenepart imported -- nothing is 
uploaded to the server yet.

Then you have to fill in the form for publishing, enter the target region name 
at least (it doesn't default to current region automagically now, should I 
guess), and press the publish button. It then makes a zip of the scene + all 
meshes, materials and textures referred in it. That zip is sent to server with 
http, and processed there so that it creates Opensim assets of all the data and 
puts the resulting UUIDs as references to the right places.

> about some missing material UUIDs... oh, and when I restart the
> viewer, i stop seing the attached materials again, either with the
> load scene trick and the normal world building way.

If this was also with the dotscene publishing, getting the server log would be 
helpful to know what exactly happened there with the material asset creation 

The 'blender way' Cecil referred to is this same dotscene zip upload route. 
With the more integrated b2rex tool with the difference that there the UUIDs 
for scene object instantiations, meshes and textures are created in Blender 
already, so you can non-destructively upgrade an already uploaded scene on the 
server with a new export from Blender (e.g. if you just move an object, it only 
changes the position of that object, so scripts etc. attached to it stay and no 
new assets are created).

> Edgar

I hope this helped, please tell more of how things went


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