On Jan 21, 2011, at 1:45 PM, mattiku wrote:
> Naali viewer 0.4.0 is now ready for use.

Apparently a bug sneaked in that broke old mediaurls (the ones attached to 
textures with the old viewer, not using EC_3dCanvasSource directly) -- had 
happened in a refactoring I made a while ago. Just noticed it today 'cause some 
friendly person had added one to world.realxtend.org:9000 and the test bot that 
logs in there after each commit reported the fail.

Fix is in develop now, and at least the bot doesn't complain anymore. Will test 
more at some point, and I guess we'll have to do a fix release soon'ish.. can 
wait a while if people report other possible probs too.

> Matti Kuonanoja



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