Oh sorry,
I forget to introduce me.
I am Patrick Dutoit from France.
I am very curious about all that turn around metaverse. I am almost
interested in building worlds and furnishing them.
I have some ideas about using them as:
- create some place where people can meet to discuss on sociological
and political issues;
- create thematic places as "Jule Vernes" world;
- etc...
But I'm not very good with basic tools such as the sl prims. That is
why I am interested in richer solutions to create  objects.
Furthermore, as I saw that you were working on an integration of 3D
objects directly from the blender format I am doubly interested in
Keep on going, I am sure you are on the right way. But, please, give
us a real help on using this golden nugget which is Taiga&Naali.

Best regards

On 23 jan, 14:13, PatrickDutoit <p...@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> First of all, congratulation for your european initiative.
> Opensim looks to be prisonner of the need to foolow the linden lab
> policy.
> For me, you have choose a better way using standards tools of the free
> tools.
> However, your products remains really uneasy to use.
> disappointed by the slow provision of features such as importing mesh,
> I decided to try to build a private grid with Taiga 0.2.0 under ubuntu
> 10.10.
> After lot of researches on how to do it, I succeed to install Taiga on
> my machine. (lot of difficulties).
> After having created a region and a user I tried to connect to the
> world from another machine on my private network.
> But unfortunately I allways fail to connect to the single land I have
> created.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Whatever I tried I have always got the following message:
> [LOGIN BEGIN]: XMLRPC Received login request message from user
> 14:09:15 - [LOGIN]: XMLRPC Client is realXtend Naali 0.4.0, start
> location is uri:Arcadie&128&128&0
> 14:09:15 - [GRID CONNECTOR]: GetRegionByPosition
> 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, 256000-256000 received invalid
> response
> 14:09:15 - not found the region at 1000 1000
> 14:09:15 - [LOGIN]: Home region of user XXXXXX is not available; using
> computed region position 256000 256000
> 14:09:16 - [LOGIN]: Got Custom Login URL uri:Arcadie&128&128&0, can't
> locate region Arcadie
> 14:09:16 - [LOGIN]: Sending user to default region 9895604652288000
> instead
> 14:09:16 - [GRID CONNECTOR]: GetRegionByPosition
> 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, 2304000-2304000 received invalid
> response
> 14:09:16 - [LOGIN]: Sending user to any region
> 14:09:16 - [LOGIN]: Region not available for login,
> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance
> of an object
>   at
> OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules.UserLoginService.PrepareLoginToRegion
> (OpenSim.Data.RegionProfileData regionInfo,
> OpenSim.Framework.UserProfileData user,
> OpenSim.Framework.Communications.Services.LoginResponse response,
> System.Net.IPEndPoint remoteClient) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
> 14:09:16 - [LOGIN END]: XMLRPC informing user XXXXXX that login failed
> due to an unavailable region
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This looks not to be really new. This issue is sometime mentionned on
> the web for opensim. But none solutions are given to fix this issue.
> Have you any idea on how to fix it ?
> Thank you.
> Best regards.
> Patrick


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