On 4 helmi, 02:57, CecilBergwin <perfection...@blueyonder.co.uk>
> Are the animations used currently Naali Avatar for walk / fly used in
> this way ? or called another way, what I mean by that is... are the

No they are not gestures, I think their playback is in the avatar
movement code.

> UUID's used for current Naali avatar the same as the base opensim
> code, or something you guys have put in yourself, if so, why can't I
> add my own animation, export my new mesh/skeleton and call a keypress
> as you do with your A,W,S,D etc, forgive me for being a bit thick

You can. Just put your mesh&skeleton to use as an avatar.

You can test this simply locally just by replacing Jack.mesh in your
Naali install with your own, and using the same animations names.
Check the animation names from default_avatar.xml . The parameters
there are documented in 

And to do this properly/normally, just make your own avatar where put
e.g. some dance as the fly animation. Then you can see the dance while
you are flying :) The index for the avatar creation tutorials is

BTW: would testing using gestures, perhaps also building some nice UI
for them (good hotkeys, a GUI menu etc) be possible for you on Tundra?
It already has the 'q' key bound to the 'wave' gesture, implemented in
those simple Javascript snippets that I pointed to. Even if you
couldn't use Tundra as your server, the work would not be wasted
'cause the same way of making UIs and using Ogre animations via
EC_AnimationController etc. works in Naali independently of the server
used. Making GUI widgets is quite simple by using the graphical QT
designer, or even just in raw python or qtscript/javascript code.

Implementing the seemingly quite simple gesture playback functionality
over LLUDP seemed quite involved indeed. To get it implemented you'd
probably need to get someone paid to do it. Though I suppose 'cause
LibOMV already has it in c#, porting it over wouldn't be too bad.



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