On May 3, 2011, at 2:55 PM, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
> You mean something like this with the sketch application: 
> http://web.chemdoodle.com/demos/2d-to-3d-coordinates

similar idea, but with normal drawing and iirc it somehow allowed basically 
arbitrary 3d building, perhaps a bit in minecraft / volumetric style. i was 
thinking for buildings and such, drawing lines -> being converted to 3d planes 
would be simple any nice, not necessarily the volumetric biz.

really cool this chemdoodle, would be also a fun exercise to make that run 
inside naali/tundra .. would be the same web ui, but instead of webgl, it would 
create the molecules in the rex scene .. so it would be shared among all 
participants, and a part of a bigger scene. anyone wanna try?-)

> Pedro


> On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Toni Alatalo <t...@playsign.net> wrote:
> On May 3, 2011, at 3:10 AM, Peter Quirk wrote:
> > What about touch events for specific faces,
> > or being able to distinguish between the front and back (or outside
> > and inside) of an object representing a door?
> This is supported, at least so that the raycast function in renderer returns 
> not only the object hit, but also the face id inside and also the UV position 
> on that face (the 2d point which you touched on the 3d face).
> At least this EntityClicked signal (event) gives the full RaycastResult which 
> has all those infos, 
> http://www.realxtend.org/doxygen/class_scene_interact.html#c0592c567ce0d6447230bcdb9d333c99
> That equivalent of touch events is also as an entity action somewhere, but I 
> don't remember if that one gives the same RaycastResult .. can check, e.g. 
> the render to texture demo in tundra uses that action to get mouse clicks on 
> the buttons that change 'tv channels' / the source camera.
> > I can't get a clear understanding from the documentation or the
> > binaries what the current support for prims is. For example, I don't
> > see a way to select a face on a cube prim, either in the UI or the
> > API. I don't see a way to set the material or color of a face.
> Yes, I don't think it is currently well documented.
> Also because there is not much to document. There is a c++ port of 
> PrimMesher, which generates Ogre meshes from prim data, so Naali/Tundra can 
> show them, but that's basically it. And with Tundra you can't currently use 
> even that, 'cause the prim code is in the module that is used with Opensim/SL 
> only. Would be quite simple to write a Tundra-style EC_Prim that used the 
> existing PrimMesher code, if someone wants SL prims in Tundra.
> So there is no way to select a face of a cube prim currently. IIRC 
> texture/material assignment GUI is also currently implemented for meshes 
> only, as we haven't used prims for anything (yet).
> > Considering the increasingly closer integration of blender with Taiga/
> > Tundra, will we see the designer concepts of selecting faces or edges
> > added to the runtime API?
> Is not planned for near future. The idea with the Blender integration is the 
> opposite: we don't have to duplicate Blender in Naali/Tundra, 'cause can just 
> use those features in Blender .. selecting faces and moving them etc. Have 
> been thinking that making a custom UI for Blender to suite VW / game 
> modelling (hide the more complex movie making things, like raytracing options 
> for materials etc) would be a good idea. Integration could work for example 
> so that entering editmode in Naali/Tundra opens the same state in Blender, or 
> so.
> Editing in Naali/Tundra directly sure would be nice too, but I think is not 
> most beneficial to start doing full polygon modelling there. If you were able 
> to e.g. move faces, I suspect you'd quickly start missing all the other 
> modelling features too?
> I'm curious about most simple ways of building, simpler than prims -- for 
> example there was some nice rapid design tool made with browsers + canvas2d & 
> webgl, where you could just draw e.g. walls in 2d (vector) drawing app style, 
> but that was actually the way to create 3d geometry. Something like might be 
> quite simple to implement on Ogre, especially if we expose ManualObject for 
> JS (and hence Py too). BTW if someone happens to know that demo, please give 
> the link, I have been unable to find it again :p (was some commercial service 
> iirc).
> Of course everything is open for anyone to do -- if someone wants to make 
> Naali/Tundra an advanced prim or polygon mesh editor, feel free to either 
> write it yourself or hire someone to do it :) Also the current b2rex is an 
> independent project on it's own that Pablo runs, not related to the companies 
> here in Oulu (nor in Spain :)
> > Peter
> ~Toni
> --
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