
ACM Multimedia has a yearly contest for open source applications and they asked 
us to submit.

One of the required things in the submission is an introductory article: "A 
4-page max paper including an overview of the open-source software package, its 
description, applications, intended audience, main features, etc.", 

I drafted that now in 
https://github.com/realXtend/doc/blob/master/acm_multimedia/overview.rst (shows 
as html in that link).

Will finish on monday to meet the extended deadline. Any feedback is welcome. I 
don't really know ACM multimedia, and couldn't think well yet about the 
education related use that they are after this year especially. I don't think 
they mean something like TOY, but using open source in studying multimedia 
programming in computer science or software engineering studies or so.

Perhaps some of this can be used as a general introduction text, to begin the 
documentation work that we'll need .. I think in general we need a end user 
manual next.



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