On May 17, 2011, at 3:10 PM, yaoyansi wrote:
> I use Naali0.4 viewer, and I want to play a video  or show a web page on an 
> object.
> Is it supported in Naali0.4? But I can't find any UI for this.

Yes, it is supported.

Add a EC_3dCanvasSource using the Component editor in build mode.

There's a new version of this entity-component of this in current, called 
EC_WebView, but in 0.4 it was still that 3dcanvassource.

> If it is supported in Naali0.4, could you show me a step by step guid?

I've done some documentation work during the past few days, writing towards a 
manual, but AFAIK there is no guide about the EC-editor yet. I may not have 
time to work on end user docs before next week.

Perhaps someone can fill in, but otherwise I'll write some instructions at some 
point, or ask on irc.

Basically: add EC_3dCanvasSource to your object, set the url you wanna show, 
and the submesh index (material slot). 

Note that there is a stupid inconsistency: the selection that build mode 
otherwise has, and the selected object that ECEditor uses, are actually 
separate .. sometimes ends up in a state where you have a diff object hilighted 
than what is selected in eceditor. I don't think that usually happens though.

Video is supported too with Qt Phonon, i don't remember exactly how, but 
mediaurlhandler.py does both web page viewing and video showing with the old 
protocol (not using EC sync) so we can check from e.g. there how it works.

> yaoyansi


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