Ah yes as Vaibhav said, there are not accounts or anything like that. That
is the way of opensim/sl thinking. Tundra servers behaviour is defined by
the scripts that are in the scene. If you want a avatar for your connected
clients, you put a avatar application to you server. If you want chat, you
put chat application to the server. If you want x you just make a
application for it :)

The scripting part is the most powerful feature of Tundra compared to
opensim/sl. By default a client will spawn a local free fly camera when you
connect, thats it. The rest if script defined and the sky is the limit. Be
sure to check out the example scenes on the realXtend login portal to see
some examples  http://login.realxtend.org/ Ludocrafts Circus is a pretty
good example of how far you can take it ;)

If you are a modeller, Tundra is gonna be good for you too. Install blender
and  http://code.google.com/p/blender2ogre/  plugins for it. This will
actually export you the correct ogre format assets and generate a Tundra
.txml scene for you! So after the export you just run the txml, add your
apps and publish the world. Of course its not as trivial as that without
good documentation but you can always ask help here. We should also
document the full artist pipeline at some point.

Best regards,
Jonne Nauha
Adminotech developer

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Jonne Nauha <jo...@adminotech.com> wrote:

> I think this is a reasonably understandable feeling when you jump from
> opensim etc. to Tundra. Let me try to clarify a bit for you, hopefully I
> can help.
> Yes Tundra is both server and a client at the same time. Tundras modular
> architecture is designed so that both client and servers can load same
> plugins and utilize the same code. Depending on what the plugin does it
> might detect from your start parameters if you are running as server or
> client. When you run Tundra executable with --server you are running a
> server, thats all you need to do.
> The confusing part for you seems to be the "client user interface". Now
> you need to realize that Tundra (the SDK, the engine, how you like to think
> if it) part in itself does not really make any assumptions what the client
> user interface will look like. In fact if you start the Tundra executable
> you are then looking at a fully black screen with the default plugins.xml
> loaded modules, its the bare bone client :) Your mac installed Tundra has
> shortcuts to run tundra with "Tundra --config viewer-browser.xml" which
> enables the browser UI.
> The browser UI is only really handy for when you login to certain worlds.
> You can login to Tundra worlds at http://login.realxtend.org/, once you
> have installed tundra (like you have), just write a username and hit on one
> of the avatars. When the client launches you should see the benefits on the
> "browser UI" as it is a placeholder for inworld application icons. They
> will appear in the top right of the browser UI.
> Anyways lets not get sidetracked. If you are familiar with opensim you
> probably are looking to host your own world. While we continue to make the
> docs better, help like this is pretty hard to find still. There are
> something in the doxygen but surely not in very fine detail. Lets
> continue... Find your install directory (I have no idea what this is in
> mac, hopefully you can find it :)
> Anyways find the Tundra executable and with that you can run the examples.
> Tundra --help will tell you all the available commands. *Tundra --server
> --headless --file scenes/Avatar/scene.txml *will run the Avatar example
> server. Then you need a client to connect into it, now you can use your
> shortcut to open the "browser ui client" or run *Tundra --config
> viewer.xml *or to auto connect from command line *Tundra --config
> viewer.xml --login tundra://localhost:2345/username=luthien*
> *
> *
> You can also make your own startup configs. Just read a bit whats going on
> in the plugins.xml (default if --config is not defined), viewer.xml and
> viewer-browser.xml. The startup config can define: c++ plugins, startup
> javascript apps, local python plugins and also additional command line
> parameters (so you dont have to type them each time). In fact the main
> difference between viewer.xml and viewer-browser.xml is the different login
> user interface loading. All the client user interfaces are implemented in
> javascript (see <installdir>/jsmodules), this is why when you start Tundra
> executable as is (uses default plugins.xml) it is black because there is no
> javascript UI startup.
> You can find the shipped scene examples in <installdir>/scenes. Go into
> the subfolders, they should have a readme file that tells you how to run
> the example. Some examples require a server and a client, some only a
> "client" Tundra. You can always try and find out. Tundra --file
> scenes/<scene>/scene.txml. Mac might (it should!) also assosiate txml files
> to open with Tundra, so double clicking the txml will open the scene for
> you.
> Let us know if you have more question! Welcome to the Tundra era of
> virtual worlds :D hehe
> Best regards,
> Jonne Nauha
> Adminotech developer
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 1:18 AM, Lúthien <luthien.meri...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm interested in RealXtend and curious how it compares to OpenSim.
>> Therefore I downloaded Tundra (for mac) today and well, tried to get
>> it running. Since my experience is until now limited to Opensim I
>> assumed that there is also a "server" and a "viewer" involved, but if
>> I understand it correctly the Tundra application is both at the same
>> time.
>> I've looked on the Wiki, the doxygen documentation and whatever I
>> could find to guide me on these first steps ... and I'm very sorry: I
>> am obviously missing some basic concept because it makes no sense to
>> me at all. I cannot figure out what to do with it.
>> When I run the Tundra app it shows a kind of browser window, with two
>> tabs in it.
>> One says "login", the other "login.realxtend.org". The first one has
>> three fields: one for server address, one for user and one for
>> password - plus a radiobutton for choosing either UTP or TCP.
>> But I thought that Tundra *is* a server, too? What should I then enter
>> her to connect to itself?
>> And also: how can I create an account on that server for me to use -
>> if I can't login to - say - even create an account?
>> If I try to connect with localhost filled in and my local username -
>> just to try something - it says "Could not connect to host localhost:
>> 2345 with TCP"
>> So indeed, I am missing something very basic - but the thing is, I
>> cannot find a "basic primer" in order to get these basic concepts of
>> RealXtend clear. Could anyone point me where I can find this
>> information? I'd really like to give this a try, because it looks very
>> promising.
>> Many thanks!
>> Lúthien
>> PS Also, when I first ran the app there was a popup saying that there
>> was an update available, and I downloaded it. But that download
>> disappeared once done: there was no installer, and neither can I find
>> a downloaded update anywhere on my disk.
>> --
>> http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend
>> http://www.realxtend.org


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