> About parameter --run and AddRigidBody. This is due to the fact that I
> have exported scene from some works in a blender. This export do not
> add RigidBody, so I decided to add  it for some element at startup in
> JavaScript. Another reason - this script will change the scene on the
> server, and thus, the client should not know about this JS. If I added
> it to the scene, as you say, I have to give it to the client as well.

You will get the same effect inside the txml by setting the scripts entity
as Local entity (and its components). Run the headless server, run console
commans 'scenestruct', right click on the script entity -> Convert To
Local. Then right click somewhere in the editor -> Save scene as... and
overwrite the fishes.txml or just makea copy. Close the server and run this
new txml, connect a client and you should see that entity never gets
replicated to the client. This is what you wanted right?

About --storage options - I use it, and I have a question about this.
> When I start Tundra server in the remote real server machine, I run
> the client with option  --storage src=http://someserver.com/webdav. In
> this case, I need to replace all assets references 'local://somefile'
> with simple 'somefile', if not, this 'somefile' refuse  to the auto-
> download from server ... I have other solutions for the local://
> thing?

Yes, but you need to give a bit longer version of --storage. It goes
something like this *--storage name=ViksWebStorage;src=
This should give you the desired effect so yes, whenever you have a
relative asset ref (mesh, script, material, whatever) as "myfish.mesh"
without local:// or http:// it will go to the default storage (marked with
default; in the --storage param) it will try to fetch it from
http://someserver.com/webdav/myfish.mesh. And you should only need to set
this --storage of course on the server and it will replicate the storage to
clients. Someone who knows could answer what happens if you have
"scripts/add_finshes.js" as a ref, will it go to
http://someserver.com/webdav/scripts/add_finshes.js. I havent used the
default storage + relative ref combo a lot myself. I would assume that is
what happens and its quite easy for you to test. If not then everything
needs to be kept in the same web directory.

But I want to put some validation for UserConnection (check username
> and password). I did this already in Python (as well using command
> line option  --python filename.py). But in the latest version, Python
> has been temporarily removed, and I thought about validating users in
> the same JS script  through qt.webkit as Tony pointed me in another
> thread.

Yes Python is disabled for now on windows releases until the dependencies
build are automated by the module authors. But python is kind of a heavy
hitter, it depends on how you going to authenticate the users really. If
you have some database backend that is easy to access with some nice python
lib then its probably the way.

If you have simple needs like a global password that every user mush know
to get in it is simply ~10 lines of javascript, and you can have similar
Local entity on server that never goes to clients (so they cant snoop the
file and read the password. Or you can have user "database" in the file if
you dont have many users.

One thing JS does very well is HTTP requests, so if you have a backend
where you can query "is this guys password correct" you simply do something
like 'var transfer = asset.RequestAsset("
http://someserver.com/auth?username=<username>&password=<pwd>");' Make that
transfer not cache and once completes read the HTTP response body in JS.

So it depends hugely what is your intent and backend for authentication. If
you can provide some more info for me I can help you make the auth JS. Hope
I can get account too so I can check you fishworld :)

Best regards,
Jonne Nauha
Adminotech developer

On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 3:31 AM, Vik <vyetr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you Jonne for your comments - they are really helpful.
> For example, I never thought to put sturtup()  at the end of the file
> - for me it was more clearly put in front :) Also lot of unnecessary
> GetComponent("EC_Name")...
> About parameter --run and AddRigidBody. This is due to the fact that I
> have exported scene from some works in a blender. This export do not
> add RigidBody, so I decided to add  it for some element at startup in
> JavaScript. Another reason - this script will change the scene on the
> server, and thus, the client should not know about this JS. If I added
> it to the scene, as you say, I have to give it to the client as well.
> But I want to put some validation for UserConnection (check username
> and password). I did this already in Python (as well using command
> line option  --python filename.py). But in the latest version, Python
> has been temporarily removed, and I thought about validating users in
> the same JS script  through qt.webkit as Tony pointed me in another
> thread.
> About --storage options - I use it, and I have a question about this.
> When I start Tundra server in the remote real server machine, I run
> the client with option  --storage src=http://someserver.com/webdav. In
> this case, I need to replace all assets references 'local://somefile'
> with simple 'somefile', if not, this 'somefile' refuse  to the auto-
> download from server ... I have other solutions for the local://
> thing?
> Regards,
> Vik.
> On Mar 30, 6:33 pm, Jonne Nauha <jo...@adminotech.com> wrote:
> > Hi, good looking scripts you have there. I can give you some tips, i'll
> do
> > it via pastebin with code comments, this might be most clear way of doing
> > it. But first:
> >
> > Adding 10x10 fish is ok by two method. But adding 20x20 fish with
> >
> > > Fish.js (many instance of javascript) will fail with error "Could not
> > > allocate register file N" where N is different 2, 33.
> > > I would like to know what this mean?
> >
> > I have seen this couple of times myself. I am 99% sure its due to out of
> > memory. 20x20 script engines = 400, lets say one takes up 2 megs of
> memory
> > (I don't know the actual figures, might even take more) would be 800 megs
> > of mem. I usually see "catastrofic failure" on Tundra.exe at around 1,3
> > gigs of memory usage for the process, and out of memory exceptions start
> to
> > pop from Tundra or from Ogre. Basically you will dump. Did you btw get a
> > dump dialog or did it continue to run happily?
> >
> > I think Jukka is referring to the same engine register file issue
> herehttps://github.com/realXtend/naali/issues/444"often inside
> QScriptEngine
> > register file allocation code", this would also indicate out of memory
> > situation. So as we knew and see here clearly this amount of script
> engines
> > is a very bad approach for your problem and the single engine is
> excellent.
> > The less engines you have the better. But id say in a moderately heavy
> > scene you can still have 10-15 engines doing their own things, but 400
> (or
> > 50x50=2500) is clearly too much.
> >
> > I have also question about how to know when scene is ready for
> >
> > > manipulation.  I used some sort of tentative every 1 sec... It is
> > > correct or i can use more clean approach?
> >
> > I will go over this and some other stuff that popped to me while reading
> > you scripts. I prefer paste.pocoo.org for code pastes, easier to read
> than
> > pastebin because its wider.
> >
> >    - *add_dyn.js*http://paste.pocoo.org/show/573825/(see the original
> >    AddRigidBodyToEntities() implementation, i added some useful info)
> >    - The other scripts look fine to me. You got the idea how to do it
> with
> >    both ways :) Looks good to me. You are correctly only doing the
> rotation on
> >    the server which is important so client and server wont do it. And if
> you
> >    would manipulate rigidbody like avatar app does, it has to be done on
> the
> >    server as only it has the authority to do it.
> >
> > One this is that you might want to move away from --run parameter. Its
> fine
> > for you to test out things of couse if you prefer it that way. But for
> you
> > app here, I would make a txml that has only add_dyn.js as a server side
> > script + avatar application ready to go, here is a example of it (you can
> > copy this to your data/assets or where you'd like as a txml).
> >
> > Scenehttp://paste.pocoo.org/show/573829/*Save this as
> > /bin/data/assets/fishes.txml*
> > add_dyn.js for this kind of usagehttp://paste.pocoo.org/show/573834/this
> > is short and cleaned version of you script, same outcome. *Save this as
> > /bin/data/assets/add_dyn.js*
> >
> > No open cmd prompt to and run these:
> >
> > Tundra.exe --server --headless --console --file data/assets/fishes.txml
> > Tundra.exe --config viewer.xml --login tundra://localhost/?username=Vik
> >
> > Ask if you have any questions. I don't know if I went a bit overboard
> here
> > :P
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Jonne Nauha
> > Adminotech developer
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 11:00 PM, Vik <vyetr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Thanks for all your comments,
> > > I made some test for compare single vs. multiple.
> >
> > > This test add some hundreds of fishes to Avatar's scene, using two
> > > techniques discussed here.
> > >  add_dyn.js   (http://pastebin.com/knpit5H3), Fish.js (
> > >http://pastebin.com/8AnFdB9p), and GlobalFish.js (
> > >http://pastebin.com/RhNB9jLe
> > > )
> > > You can change technique in line 3 of add_dyn.js. Change  How many
> > > fiches add by line 2  (n*n fish will be added) . Using scene.txml from
> > > Avatar examlple, some fiche will fall (need to make bigger floor).
> > > Added second avatar for demo purposes.
> > > Start Tundra in  command line with param --run add_dyn.js. Or use
> > > console...
> >
> > > Some observation:
> > > Adding 10x10 fish is ok by two method. But adding 20x20 fish with
> > > Fish.js (many instance of javascript) will fail with error "Could not
> > > allocate register file N" where N is different 2, 33.
> > > I would like to know what this mean?
> > > Using GlobalFish.js - we add single js, but instantiate many instance
> > > by EC_SCRIPT,   as Jonne explained. This method permit add as many as
> > > 50x50 fish without problems...
> >
> > > I have also question about how to know when scene is ready for
> > > manipulation.  I used some sort of tentative every 1 sec... It is
> > > correct or i can use more clean approach?
> >
> > > Thanks.
> > > Vik
> > > Vik
> >
> > > On Mar 30, 2:18 am, Jonne Nauha <jo...@adminotech.com> wrote:
> > > > Yes you will want live realoding. You will go crazy if you need to
> > > restart
> > > > client/server all the time when you save file. Script live reloading
> is
> > > the
> > > > best feature Tundra has for devs :)
> >
> > > > This other approach that simpleavatar.js uses gives you the same
> kind of
> > > "
> > > > this.me" == entity the script is attached to feeling (you need to
> assign
> > > > this.me as youll see in simpleavatar.js ctor). Without running huge
> > > number
> > > > of script engines. So really, its how you like to program. I like to
> make
> > > > more these separate apps that run in their own entities and keep
> their
> > > data
> > > > component (EC_DynamicComponent) in the script entity. Then internal
> logic
> > > > modifies/creates/removes entities/component how it needs. So I'm
> used to
> > > > going "me.something" only for my data component, and for that I
> always
> > > make
> > > > getter inside the app this.DataComponent(); :P
> >
> > > > Another neat thing if you want "real object" in your scripts is
> class.js
> > > > that ships with Tundra. I basically use this in all my scripts. I
> haven't
> > > > used it in the example scenes I've made as they should be kept
> simple.
> > > But
> > > > the browser ui js I made shows this quite well. This also has some
> > > advanced
> > > > UI stuff if you want to learn that :)
> >
> > > > Defining classhttps://
> > > github.com/realXtend/naali/blob/tundra2/bin/jsmodules/browser....
> > > > You define init: function() that gets called when the class is
> new'ed,
> > > its
> > > > little bit like python __init__. Main intance owns other
> objectshttps://
> > > github.com/realXtend/naali/blob/tundra2/bin/jsmodules/browser....
> > > > Booting up the apphttps://
> > > github.com/realXtend/naali/blob/tundra2/bin/jsmodules/browser...
> >
> > > > Best regards,
> > > > Jonne Nauha
> > > > Adminotech developer
> >
> > > > On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 9:02 AM, Toni Alatalo <t...@playsign.net>
> wrote:
> > > > > On Thu, 2012-03-29 at 11:57 -0700, Vik wrote:
> > > > > > I will go with single EC_Script ( normal programming :) )
> > > > > > Even if ScriptEngine is performant, load  hundreds of EC_Script
> may
> > > be
> > > > > > painful ( as Jukka said in issue 439
> > > > >https://github.com/realXtend/naali/issues/439
> >
> > > > > No the point was that using the Script *Application* mechanism with
> > > > > multiple EC_Scripts is performant -- then you again only get a
> single
> > > > > engine. The same thing that Jonne mentioned and indeed the
> reference
> > > > > Avatar app uses.
> >
> > > > > But yep I think a single EC_Script can still be nice.
> >
> > > > > > And I don't think in this case live reloading  will be useful...
> >
> > > > > I think it's always useful when developing :)
> >
> > > > > And you do get that with a single Script component too, it just
> resets
> > > > > the whole app then.
> >
> > > > > > Vik.
> >
> > > > > ~Toni
> >
> > > > > > On Mar 29, 1:49 pm, Toni Alatalo <t...@playsign.net> wrote:
> > > > > > > On Thu, 2012-03-29 at 09:41 -0700, Vik wrote:
> > > > > > > > 001,...door.099), i can attach to each object javascript for
> > > actions
> > > > > > > > (say "OpenDoor"). Or I can attach one script to scene and in
> this
> > > > > > > > script distinguish door by name at run time.
> > > > > > > > Which solution is better. I mean 'better"  from architectural
> > > point
> > > > > > > > of  view of Tundra  in terms of performance  and memory
> > > consumption.
> >
> > > > > > > I tend to make with one master JS and one EC_Script for the
> whole
> > > > > > > application. I like normal programming, and also that used to
> be
> > > way to
> > > > > > > make it efficiently (minimal mem use as there's only one
> > > ScriptEngine).
> > > > > > > Have that in an invisible entity called MyGame or so.
> >
> > > > > > > The system is however made so that using a Script component in
> each
> > > > > > > scripted entity can be nice. For example for a non-programming
> > > level
> > > > > > > designer to put a script to an object. And nowadays there's the
> > > > > > > ScriptApplication system, which basically allows you to make
> > > several
> > > > > > > script components to be executed with a single engine, so you
> get
> > > the
> > > > > > > same optimally minimal memory usage. I think it's well suited
> for
> > > > > > > instanciating several entities that use the same script,
> basically
> > > > > > > declaring a class in JS and then marking entities in the scene
> as
> > > > > > > instances of that. Similar to the RexScript IronPython system
> in
> > > old
> > > > > > > realXtend with Linden based viewer and Opensim which is there
> in
> > > > > ModRex.
> >
> > > > > > > One cool upside of using several EC_Scripts can perhaps be
> that the
> > > > > live
> > > > > > > reloading may work less instrusively as only one script engine
> is
> > > > > > > reseted and not the whole app. For example if you make AI for a
> > > > > predator
> > > > > > > and it's prey, can modify either code, just save the file so it
> > > gets
> > > > > > > reloaded in Tundra, and at least the other animal keeps working
> > > cleanly
> > > > > > > from the old state as it was untouched. It's possible to make a
> > > main
> > > > > app
> > > > > > > support restart too, quite easy perhaps even if keep the data
> in EC
> > > > > > > attributes (script's can create their own so-called
> > > DynamicComponents
> > > > > > > for custom data). The attribute values are ofc untouched when
> the
> > > > > script
> > > > > > > engine is reseted, so that state can always stay (position of
> the
> > > > > > > objects etc., but if you put e.g. some AI mode or tracking
> target
> > > in
> > > > > own
> > > > > > > DynamicComponent, that stays too.)
> >
> > ...
> >
> >
> --
> http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend
> http://www.realxtend.org


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