The idea would be for the program to check the View archive on the
experimental page once a day to see if it's changed, and if so,
update View then.  And just hope that RT updates the archive before
it expires and not after. (:  Not sure how you'd go about getting
View to un-pack the archive though...

I don't think the above solution's good enough for a commercial
program though...

On 05-Dec-00, Ryan C. Christiansen wrote:

> I don't think you would be able to have a self-updateable /View
> script since /View will not even launch if it is expired.

>>> So my question is: would it be possible to *BUY* (at a
>>> reasonable
>>> price) a version of REBOL/View (without support etc.)
>>> that does
>>> not expire? I think my costumer would *REALLY* be
>> Why not build in the ability for your program to check for
>> updates for View, and then update itself?

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