-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Gabriele Santilli
Graham Chiu wrote:
> Why not build in the ability for your program to check for
> updates for View, and then update itself?
This is actually a possible solution. The problem would be to
extract the file from the archive etc. (you cannot usually
overwrite the executable that is currently running); but this way
the costumer is forced to be connected to the internet etc. (in
this particula case it wouldn't be a problem).
Anyway my costumer might just prefer to avoid using a product that
he doesn't know about *AND* that gives him unnnecessary troubles
(what if RT posts the update two days later than the expiration
date? what if rebol.com is down?)...
While updating isn't the greatest solution, perhaps you could use
Rebol/Core, which doesn't expire, to do the updating. This gets around part
of the problem of having running programs update themselves or of having
view expire and not be able to update itself.
BTW, since the update notion works at all, I have to assume that programs
don't keep their executable files open while they run but only while they
Garold (Gary) L. Johnson
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