From: Jamey Cribbs
> Well, I think we have been hearing other opinions.  I have read four or
> other replys to this thread and it is clear that others feel the same way
> Petr and I do.

I also agree.  At first I didn't think that I would miss some of the
shell-access features of a scripting language, but after programming
work-arounds, I suddenly was struck by how ludicrous it was to reinvent the

At least in my opinion, a scripting language should have good glue-ability,
which means shell access, and have the ability to be inserted in other
programs as the controlling script language (which, in essence, means "open
source" for all intents and purposes).  I, for one, have not been opposed to
paying for the /Command version. But --- I've spent too many dollars as an
"advanced hobbiest" on prior hopeful technologies only to be "abandoned."
As I have argued previously, for the language to be broadly accepted, I
believe that shell access will be the minimum necessary to get other
scripters to even try the language.

The ability to be cross-platform compatible is a great idea in theory, and a
necessity for some projects, but I prefer to have a choice in leveraging
exisiting solutions through shell acess while having the option to maintain
cross-platform components if and where needed (a simple switch or flag would
do for me if needed).

> Again, RT has the right to do anything they want with Rebol.
> programmers have the NEED to get their jobs done.  I have already been
> to scrap one application I was writing for work in Rebol and re-do it in
> Tcl/Tk.  Tcl allowed me to do the vital shell access I needed.  Tk allowed
> to write a front-end gui for the app.  I had wanted (and actually had a
> prototype running) to use Core/View to do this app, but because of lack of
> shell access and the fact that View has not yet finished beta, I had to
> choose an alternative.  It's too bad, because I like Rebol a lot.

This has been my predicament and my course of action.  I honestly prefer
REBOL and /View over Tcl and Tk, but as the next /View beta expiration date
rapidly approaches with so little apparent on the horizon, I refuse to let
myself be left "holding the bag."

I continue to follow this group cautiously optimistic that REBOL will take a
turn that lets me feel confident that the future remains bright.  As the
problem space addressed by REBOL rapidly fills in with contenders, I have my

RT needs to make some money, but they are going to need a major "buy-in" at
some level to succeed, and as wonderful as the present REBOL/Core is in its
"free" state, I'm not sure that it will be enough.

--Scott Jones

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