On Monday 19 March 2001 07:17 am, you wrote:
> Hi Petr, :)
> > If someone wants to use grep, let's be it. But if someone can't unpack
> > even stupid archive, it pretty strange ...
> Ok, but each platform have different compression formats (Amiga: lha,
> lzx, Unix: gzip, tar, Mac: ?)
> So to make it user friendly for all, you'd have to cater for all these.
> If this happens through shell access then you loose the platfrom
> independence again.

No, you GAIN platforfm independence if it happens throught shell access.  
Why, because if I am trying to unzip a ZIP file, I just shell out and do an 
"unzip file.zip".  If it is a tar file, I shell out and do a "tar xvf file". 
Etc, etc.

Shell access would help make the script MORE sytem/platform/programming 
independent, becuase you wouldn't have to worry about having a DIFFERENT 
version of Core that handled compression (or anything else) in different 
ways.  In other words, RT wouldn't have to worry about making Core know how 
to handle zip, tar, arj, lzx, lha files, all it would have to do is make Core 
know how to handle letting the script have shell access.  Once you do this, 
you open up a huge world of tools that have already been written, tested, AND 
made cross-platform themselves.

This would free up RT so that they could do important things like finally 
finishing View, instead of them having to spend time reimplementing every 
utility (like compression) known to man.

> It would be interesting to hear some other opinions as well, maybe someone
> could put up a voting page :)
Well, I think we have been hearing other opinions.  I have read four or five 
other replys to this thread and it is clear that others feel the same way 
Petr and I do.

Again, RT has the right to do anything they want with Rebol.  Unfortunately, 
programmers have the NEED to get their jobs done.  I have already been forced 
to scrap one application I was writing for work in Rebol and re-do it in 
Tcl/Tk.  Tcl allowed me to do the vital shell access I needed.  Tk allowed me 
to write a front-end gui for the app.  I had wanted (and actually had a 
prototype running) to use Core/View to do this app, but because of lack of 
shell access and the fact that View has not yet finished beta, I had to 
choose an alternative.  It's too bad, because I like Rebol a lot.

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