> From _The_Elements_of_Typographic_Style_ by Robert Bringhurst,
> a standard refererence in the field of typography...
   I thought typography was the study of errors during typing.  Hmm... ;)

>     octothorp   Otherwise known a the numeral sign.  It
>                 has also been used as a symbol for the
>     pound avoirdupois, but this usage is now archaic.
>     In cartography, it is also a symbol for a village:
>     eight fields around a central square, and this is
>     the source of its name.  Octothorp means eight fields.
> Of course this also means that REBOL is eight times better
> than c# ("see octothorp") and has it completely surrounded.
   And, well, there's always the musical notation, in which # refers to a
'sharp' note, such as C# is C-sharp, or a half-step between C and D (not
looking for debates on whether or not it really /is/ half way in between or
not - it's close enough).

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