
> Thing like this shouldn't be written by hand:
>  Instead I'm thinking about a dialect to specify such a section.
>  Did anybody started something like this already? What do you think?

I think it's a great idea.

I did something like it for a particular application -- the code isn't very 
packagable. Here's a cut-down example of an actual definition -- it shows 
some of the "real-word" fiddly bits that you may need to think about:

Data-defintion5:  [
    "RecID"        ["Record id" 15
                    "Return"  Info  "Yellow" ]

    "Title"         [""
                     50   "Return"  Field "Pink bold"]
    "_Line"        []

    "Web?"          [""   
                     10     "Return"        choice  {"Public" "Private"}]
    "Frequency"     ["_NoLabel"
                     13     "Tab"   choice "data read/lines %Frequency.dat"]

-- internal label (on files) is Recid. Field label on screen is "Record id"
-- limited to 15 characters
-- "Return" -- is vid specs before the *label* field -- so this one starts on 
a new line
-- Info -- Vid field type -- non data entry on this panel
-- "Yellow" Vid specs for the field itself

-- "" -- means field label on screen is also "Title"

--special field meaning a horizontal rule across the panel (to make it look 

-- "_Nolabel" means do not display a label field
-- tab  -- it's on the same line as Web?
-- It's a Choice field with values coming from a file.

It's not the greatest dialect in the world, but it got the job done.

Hope this helps you come up with something better

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