Andy Finkel wrote:

Hello Andy,

nice to see one of Amiga celebrities here on ml, wow! :-)

>I'm just starting to use Rebol to make a prototype UI.  I'm trying to do
>kind of specific visual button arrangements, and the like.
>Unfortunately, there's not that much documentation that I've found on
>Rebol/View/VID and how I can get it to do exactly what I want...
yes, docs are a bit lacking, try also Escribe mail archive at and . What about joining IOS Developer server?

>My current problem is that I want to make a TV channel grid.   I've got
>it mostly working, but I can't quite get the channel names to appear in
>a vertically oriented box, single spaced, so I can scroll it at the same
>time as I scroll the channel listing itself.
>Basically I want to get a vertical info box:
>    NBC
>    CBS
>    KYW
>    CAT
>    DOG
>    TRA
>    RRR
>    CCC
>    FFF
>And so on.
>I can set up the box, but when I use 'text (as part of the 'layout) the
>text gets double spaced.  I'm obviously doing it the wrong way.  Can
>anyone help ?
oh, I am sorry I don't understand what is the problem exactly. I hope 
some rebollers here step in quickly enough to help you ... Or just - 
could you post a short example of your code? That could help ...

>Another question:  'layout (in the old docs) used to have both DOWN and
>ACROSS, to control default placements.  Now it seems to only have
>ACROSS.  What happened to DOWN  ? Was it replaced by another keyword ?
'below ....



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