Hi, Andy,

From: "Andy Finkel"
> Now, this is a _very_ interesting clue.
> If I use a similar example,
>  view/new lay: layout [ button button button ]
>  lay/pane/1/text: "hithere"
>  show lay/pane/1
>  wait none
> The text on the button changes.  In fact, I can change it to anything I
> like, again and again.
> But if I do something like:
> view/new lay: layout [ button "test" button "test1" button "test" ]
>  lay/pane/1/text: "hithere"
>  show lay/pane/1
>  wait none
> Or
> view/new lay: layout [ button copy "test" button copy "test1" button
> copy "test" ]
>  lay/pane/1/text: "hithere"
>  show lay/pane/1
>  wait none
> Then the text is fixed to be "test".  Every time I show, Rebol changes
> it back to the original text (which was test);  Rebol must be storing
> the original text in some hidden place when I created the button, and
> always refreshing from that, rather than from the values stored I was
> expecting.
> (this also seems to apply to colors).
> So if I create a grid of blank buttons (or possibly uncolored buttons),
> I might be able to programatically change the appearance of the button
> to simulate non-mouse highlighting.

You appear to have stumbled on one of those gray areas that is an exception
(or possibly a "bug" or an under appreciated "feature").  I do not recall if
there is a way to get *to* this data.  Here is another work around to
defining the button text in the layout and still being able to get at it.
Hopefully a wizard can elucidate that real nature of this beast.

view/new lay: layout [
    b: button  with [text: "test"]
    button "change above" [
        lay/pane/1/text: "dither"
        show b
    button "change top" [
        ; the following is another way to change the info
        b/text: "yon"
        show b
lay/pane/1/text: "hither"
show b

--Scott Jones

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