Hi, Brett

From: "Brett Handley"
> ... I hoped my little test script would
> display a number of iterations corresponding to
> it waiting for each stream output from the server,
> but it only gives one - at the end. Which is my clue
> to REBOL not delivering the goods until it quits. ...

Apparently, I did not read your email closely enough. Yes, with REBOL, I did
not get 3 "packages" (my term), but one lump payment. I have no clue what IE
does with the info, but I do recall it took about 3 seconds to finish.  When
I set the wait to 3 seconds, it took over 9 seconds for the 3 packages, so I
*think* Apache is doing OK in that regard.

BTW, and possibly of no particular meaning whatsoever, yesterday I did a
search of registry, and found an entry that IE does not cache the
multipart/mixed and multipart/x-mixed-replace, I guess because the later
could be huge files.  I thought it was interesting that it was there at all!

> behaviour could just as easily be caused by
> the webserver. Maybe there is
> some sort option in one or the other.

Also, btw, I my Apache did not offer the multipart/x-mixed-replace as a mime
type, so I added it to mime.types in the conf folder.

> I suspect there is no ActiveX for IE that is
> generic to all streaming cases. (Just in case
> I gave the wrong impression there.)

OK, I misunderstood.  Maybe I misread, which I seem to be doing *a lot*
these days.  Time for a vacation/holiday.

Finally, thanks, Brett.  Your code and effort were appreciated by me.  I
have no use at this time for this technique, but it is nice to keep in
practice with CGI stuff.
--Scott Jones

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