On 31-Aug-02, jose wrote:
> How can I build a tool to design cool text-based logos
> ?

> I've used GIMP and it does the job but wouldn't rebol
> excel at this, even more than GIMP ?

> What font types are available to load and manipulate ?

The default fonts, 'font-fixed, 'font-serif and 'font-sans-serif are
just words referencing a string containing the font name and you can
change them to any suitable font you like that's on your system
(AFAIK).  To use another font in a style, just give the style's
font/name the title of the font you want to use. ie...

view layout [t: text "hello" font [name: "Times"]]

Look at a style's font object to see what you can change with regard
to fonts.  For the above we get...

>> probe t/font

make object! [
    name: "Times"
    style: none
    size: 12
    color: 0.0.0
    offset: 2x2
    space: 0x0
    align: 'left
    valign: 'top
    shadow: none
    colors: [0.0.0 255.180.55]

The problem though is REBOL doesn't come with a font-requester, so
making a cross-platform app that gives access to all of a user's
fonts would be tricky...

So, a question for the others here testing the beta View:  Does it
come with a font-requester?  If not, let's make a cross-platform one.
Afterall, it seems all we need is a block of strings containing the
names of all the fonts on a user's system.  If we've got that, we can
make a font-requester, right?  So, let's say at startup View looks
for a file called %font-names, which contains such a block.  If it
doesn't find it, it runs an os-specific script to grab the names of
the fonts on the system and saves them as a block to %font-names. 
So, next time the font-names would be there and you wouldn't have to
go through the permission-to-access-directory requests.  Couple that
with an "update-fonts" button on the font-requester (which could be
cross-platform, it using the os-specific name-grabing script for the
updating), and you should have an adequate means of accessing fonts.

Anyone see any problems with this?  For instance, is there any OS
where the font-names couldn't be accessed with a REBOL script?

Just a thought, and not worth pursuing if a font-requester will be in
the next View...

> Can anybody point to some examples ?

> Thanks

Carl Read

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