On 01-Sep-02, G. Scott Jones wrote:

> Outside of calling on a system resource, the only other way I can
> think of to find what fonts are available on a specific machine is
> to use a (gulp) non-REBOL utility to create the list for REBOL. Am I
> way off base on this? Please someone save me from myself.

That's why I asked if there was any reason this wouldn't work on
specific OSs.  On Amiga you'd just have the os-specific REBOL script
look in the fonts directory and grab the names from the file-names. 
Font-files all over the place in Windows by any chance?

Anyway, I might have a go at writing this for myself as soon as I've
got some other stuff finished.  It's a pretty simple concept so
shouldn't be too difficult.

Carl Read

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