> Somehow it my system/IE has gone into shock. When the browser encounters a
> script it cannot consistently decide what to do with it. Usually it just
> open a file download requester.
> But Netscape 4.5 is ok, responds normally.
> I am running IE 6.0.2600.0000 on Win98se [ahem].
> Q1: What has happened?
> Q2: How do I fix it?
> Q3: have you ever had this happen to you with rebol no windows before?

I have no answers just some not-very-experienced ideas which you may have
already tried.
The good thing is you have something (2 somethings) to compare against.

Netscape works on the same machine as the non-working IE?
Compare the machine / browser configurations.
Are all going through proxy or not? Are you sure? :^)
Webserver and clients on the same lan or not? If not is there some sort of
load balancing system in place.
Cache settings.
Expiry (I'm not very experienced in this and I don't pretend to understand
    - webserver
    - cgi header eg.  print "Pragma: no-cache"
    - html meta  eg. print {<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">}
You didn't load the REBOL plugin on this machine did you? (grabbing at
straws here)
What is the extension for your REBOL CGI script (.R or .CGI, etc)? If it is
.R, is it possible to change it, and if so, what happens if you change it to
.CGI say?

When you do eventually get to the bottom of it - please tell us what
happened. I want to dodge that nasty pothole if I have to venture down the
same road as you. :^)

Simple technology we have today ;^)


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