* Carl Read <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020926 15:08]:
> On 27-Sep-02, Tim Johnson wrote:
> Is it just Core they use, or View too?  Eye-candy could help, as does
> having a personal reason to use the language.  In an interview I
> found by following one of Jason's links a student mentioned having
> used Python to put up a website.  Building a plain, vanilla website
> is nothing to kids these days, but building a dynamic one might be
> another matter, and Core's all you need for it.  Maybe that's where a
> REBOL class should start?  It'd give quick and visual feedback and an
> obvious use for what they're doing, compared to just outputting text
> to the console or a file or whatever.  Though you have the problem of
> having to teach HTML as well...

Carl, I did a lot of thinking about the eye candy. I decided to to
train them in 'view' but to keep the rebol command-line mode only.
Part of it is that I'm not all that interested in 'view .... my partner
and I respectively designed python and perl course as a second semester
using the respective langauge tk interfaces (tkinter and tkperl).
I felt (and was supported by the teachers of record) and there was
enough eye candy around and that it was better to start them out
in a way that would get them started in focusing on the small details
that really are what makes programming work.

What I would like to do is develop a scheme where even the starting
students could render in CGI as well as the command line....

I think understanding how to use the command line is more important
than visual programming. Once one knows how to best utilize the
command line, the visual stuff become easier to hack and troubleshoot.

I think a personal reason is a more "honest" hook. I just tell them
about my son-in-law who makes over a hundred grand a year for working
20 hours average a week. Who's treated like a god by his contractees,
who wouldn't give Eminem, Steven Seagal or Michael Jordan a second 
look. That gets their attention... ;-)

And I will reiterate - teaching online needs to overcome the lack of
direct personal contact that can reinforce initiative. That
is the largest issue in my mind.
> -- 
> Carl Read
> -- 
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