On 29-Sep-02, Tim Johnson wrote:

>> > What I would like to do is develop a scheme where even the
>> > starting students could render in CGI as well as the command
>> > line....

>> That would be a good approach. Wouldn't a local server on the
>> students' machine be one way of doing this? It could be one written
>> in REBOL so you'd have control of what it could and couldn't do.
>  The problem is infrastructure and the attitude of systems
> adminstrators, trying to solve that lllloooonnnngggg story!

Well, I was thinking of it being just another script the kids would
run on the computers they were using so they could test any CGI they
did themselves by looking at it with a browser.  I wrote such a
script so I can test the CGI I do locally before sticking it on a
"real" server.  I just have two REBOL consoles open, one for the
server and one for the script I'm working on.

>> (Until the kids hacked it;)

>  <sigh>I only wish they could ...</sigh>


>>> about my son-in-law who makes over a hundred grand a year for
>>> working 20 hours average a week. Who's treated like a god by his
>>> contractees, who wouldn't give Eminem, Steven Seagal or Michael
>>> Jordan a second look. That gets their attention... ;-)
>> I can see that working with older students who're having to start
>> thinking about future employment, but I can't see it being much
>> motivation for kids under 14 or so.
>  I beg to differ, even eight graders get that one,

And I still don't know how old an eight (eighth?) grader would be. 
This is one area where numbers win out over words in an international
forum Tim. (:

>   we need good
>  looking programmers and techies of both genders coming in to
>  talk to kids here. Girls especially are infected with this
>  weird idea that being into computers is very unsexy....

Girls ain't dumb. (;

If you were trying to attract kids to writing as a profession, would
you bring in writers of fiction or writers of car manuals or adverts
as examples?  In other words, would you chose a writer of accounting
software over a games programmer to inspire the kids?

>> I'd think it'd need tutors online 24/7 to be really effective, plus
>> instant messaging and the ability to share desktops.  Tutors online
>> 24/7 is the hard part there I would think.
>  For those of you reading this, Carl took part in a mailing list
>  that was set up for this class a year ago. It was terribly dead,

Yes - it didn't really get started.  It would really need at least two
enthusastic posters amongst the students to start the ball rolling I
think, but that didn't happen.

>  we are trying a chat room now, but it will be staffed by the
>  teacher of record and myself only one hour a week <sigh> and
>  paranoid school sysops aren't letting anyone else in (so far).

I'm wondering if the reason you only got an Australian and a New
Zealander as the REBOL "mentors" had anything to do with the less
litigious nature of Downunder culture?  I can imagine those in the US
and probably elsewhere not considering it worth the risk to get
involved.  Sad.  Do kids think lawyers are sexy by any chance?

Carl Read

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